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my ex said i am jealous and controlling

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last month i got dumped by my girlfriend of a year


she said i was controlling and jealous.


i didnt think i was..


ill admit i did go through her phone a few times, due to some rumors i had heard.


other than that i wasnt anything bad. if she wanted to go hang out with her friends i never stopped her. if she was talking to a guy friend i never got upset.\


the only time i did was when some friend admitted he liked her and wanted to kiss and i told her she needed to tell him she was seeing someone


i dont know..maybe i am...i always try to be a good boyfriend

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Dude, she has to demonize you in her head to help ease the guilt that she has about dumping you.



It's easier to blame you for the demise of the relationship and for her dumping you then claiming any fault for her roll about the end of the relationship. Did she stake any blame to the reason why the relationship ended? Probably not! All your fault I guess huh....



Dude, just ignore it. She's talking out her ass to ease her guilt.

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If what you wrote is all there was to it, it doesn't sound that bad. The going through the phone thing... I'm indifferent about it. Some will say it's a huge no-no but I can see it being useful every now and then if your spidey senses are going off. Just don't make a habit of it.

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Well there isn't a formula to know what is too controlling and what's not.


My wife, when we met and have been together for only 6 month, she took out of my albums all my Ex's pics and cut them to little pieces with scissors.


We will all agree that It's an exaggeration, right? But I kind of liked it. I liked her being a crazy jealous girl. So it's all a matter of matching. There are girls who like being a little controlled and there are others who like to be in a R but still behave like a single.


My todays wife (girlfriend then) wanted both. She wanted me to not even smile to a waitress in a cafe, but she wanted herself to hang out with friends, parties, with male friends when I'm not invited...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Well, you did go through her phone a few times. That's jealous. Most jealous people are also controlling (because they think if they don't, the person will abandon them). You're not TOO bad or you'd be trying to isolate her from her friends. I'd say you fall somewhere in the middle. Probably she's got other reasons plus that for leaving.

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Jealousy is a normal human emotion. Anyone might find themselves bothered by spouse allowing another person to make their moves on them. Find somebody else who has no problem admitting to friends that they're taken and off the market. They exist out there if you prefer monogamy. Don't allow her to twist this around into being on you. She wasn't able to woman up enough to tell a man to back off. You had to finally step in after awhile. You're probably far better off without her.

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