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Sweet Revenge for a Cheating BF, or am I a Beeyatch?

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I just did something - and while I cannot stop grinning from ear to ear, I realize it may have been a bit harsh. Pls. give me your opinion, in which case I may retract it.


I have a bf, and he cheated on me a while back, about a year and a half ago. So I took him back, but I was very wary of the whole situation. Anyhow, when we had first met and slept together and started dating (3 years ago), I asked specifically if he was sleeping with anyone else. He said no. Later, through a slip up of his friend, I find out that he slept with another girl during a ski trip. I was FUMING...but he SOMEHOW convinced me that it was so early in our relationship it didn't matter. Which is why I proceeded initially - which is just stupid now.


ANYWAY....today I find out that he had slept with not ONE girl, but THREE girls!!! I confronted him with it, and he did the sobbing/crying/begging routine - but I wouldnt have it. I moved him out in record time, and told him to get a life, and then get out of mine. Lie after lie after lie.


So, I'm sitting in my room at 1AM, wondering HOW a smart girl like myself got walked all over. So this is what I did. I composed an email that went something like this:


Dear Friends,

Just wanted to let you know that *Peter* and I are no longer together. As many of you already know, he cheated on me during ________. I took him back, believing this time our relationship would be based on trust, blah blah blah...... I recently found out that he cheated on me before (and then I gave some details about that.) I am sad about this, but things have been rocky for some time.


Anyway, it was a little longer and I said a few more things. And then I BCC'd it to his 3 email addresses, and sent it off. It's really only going to him, and me, but he's going to think it's goign to all our friends!!!


Is this just a new level of EVIL??? Is this immature - yes...it probably is. What do ya guys think? Nobody is really goign to read it but him.



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I didn't read the e-mail, didn't really have to.


I think if it made you grin ear to ear, you can't challenge it's effectiveness as an anisthetic for the anguish that betrayal undoubtedly causes.


However, it was probably immature, and you probably won't be proud of it later.

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A waste of time.


Pain plus more pain equals pain.


You ended the relationship. Should have left it at that.


Let's hope he doesn't waste his time trying to get you back.


It is immature.

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