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Red Flags: Time To Get Out ASAP???

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When the holidays were approaching, five people left our company, a good majority being upper-management. Now at the end of January, 3 more people left, actually, 4 including a lady who got laid off Friday. I am in charge of viewing the resumes too, so I know in strict confidence who is getting laid off next. Three other people.

My sister tells me not to leave because I am getting married and that's a bad time to look for another job. I feel different. Many people leaving is begining to freak me out a bit.


Tell me, is it just me, or when suddenly many higher-ups are heading out at one time, is this a sign to look for another job aggresively or could it just be the way things are?


My gut tells me I am not personally in danger, but I should really start looking for another job ASAP and aggressively. Or am I blowing this out of proportion?


Any experiences, feedback, or comments are helpful.

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There are many factors that contribute to a management exodus. Also you don't mention the size of your Firm, so I have no idea what kind of percentages of turn over your are experiencing.


Has the top most level of your company recently changed - that will frequently cause a shift in upper management. Generally new senior guys bring their own management team, or bring a new culture that doe not gel well with existing management.


Does your company pay annual bonuses? Again lower than expected compensation can cause management to leave - regardless of what the market conditions in yoru industry may be.


I agree it never hurts to keep your options open and you should always participate in networking events, etc. Unfortunately you have not given enough information for me to give any credible recommendation.

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hi curiousnycgirl.

my firm is a total of 100 people, but our office is hq which has 50 employees. (we are int'l co).


Many people who have been w/the co for over 4-5 yrs have confided in me around x-mas time/jan that they have not seen a raise since the day they began. These are hard-workers. Some of them have done magnificaint things with the co and nothing.I think that could also be a reason.


They laid off that one lady because they had to "cut costs".

But I know two other people will loose their job and they are looking for replacements to work for smaller salaries.


What I'll do is look elsewhere now. The problem is, I don't know generally where to look. It seems everything req 5-10 years of experience. I have two degrees and 5 yrs experience in banking, and almost a year in administrative support and reception (wanted to leave the banking thing). My credit is also bad, or lack there of (had to declare bankruptcy due to a major family/financial problem that caused me to be unable to pay my credit card), so I know that is a pain in the butt, since some places do credit checks. Maybe I could tell them why, my excuse is understandable (this didn't happen out of laziness!).


I'll start looking now. I will check out the papers and monster.

Thxs guys!!!

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