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Unintentional LC

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I just don't understand the reason why she's blaming me. Afterall she made the decisions to progress her relationship with her questionable boyfriend to the next level, I didn't force her to do that but he did. All I did was to remove myself from the situation and try to move on.

It like she's blaming me for everything or throwing all her anger at me. I'm not sure she blaming me for her situation or the situation with her c*** boyfriend is getting worst. All I do know is sometimes she does her best to aviod eye contact and other time try to hurt me by making herself known.


Look at it this way inappfriendly, at least he doesn't walk pass you with 30cm to spare or make hints he can't stand you. I'm am truly ****ing annoyed and no doubt will break NC just to put her straight. I will tell her the situation she placed me in and remind her I'm not the one going out my way to get notice.


Inappfriendly I also want to thank you for confirming my fear about the effects my stone face is having on the exap. I didn't set out to hurt her and like your exAP I think he's trying to give you as much space as possible in these difficult situation. However you have the right to be angry because he is the one mostly to blame for putting you in this situation. However my exAP is mostly to blame for turning our platonic friendship into an EA and not leaving me alone afterward.


Ok, she's blaming YOU because it's easier to do that than blame herself. She doesn't have to face the truth that way, thing is, eventually she will but you breaking No Contact to "set her straight" will not do that. Your intention to hurt or not hurt her no longer matters and by you contacting her will validate everything for her, show her you're weak, show her you can't let go and will still leave you with an empty feeling, and if you do reach out, and leave things as they are, she will still use it all to be angry at you and try to protect herself ...easiest way to do it is to convince herself you're the problem.


It doesn't matter whether she is angry at you, gets loud or talks about you, because in the end, she knows the truth and it will come to surface and she will have to face what she did to you IF you just leave her alone. For God's sakes, you aren't just going to set her straight, you're hoping for something , a glimmer, anything..... just let it be....

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