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Le French love affair ...

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Le Franglais

Me and this French lass have known each other since Summer 2010, when we met in the South of France through her cousin, who so happens to be my childhood friend.


She lives in Paris and I live in London.


We've both agreed that LDR would be impossible, as we need to have physical contact.


But any way, more to the point. I've seriously fallen in love with her. It's terrible, I can't stop thinking about her, and the only way I can control these feelings is by writing.


About 3 months ago I sent her a hand written love letter, expressing exactly how I felt. I was really nervous, in some way afraid of how she'd react, but I never thought she'd react the way she did.


3 days after sending the letter I got a Facebook message from her: "Ohh John ...!!", to which I answered "So, you got it then?". "Yes I did. I don't what to say. I felt so funny when I got it ... I almost cried of joy".


2 months later she tells me her and her childhood friend are visiting London. She tells me that "being in London without seeing you is ****", so on a whim I bought a train ticket to surprise her. I've never seen her so happy.


I spent 2 nights with her (I felt bad for her friend lol) ... after I had left her on the second night, I got a message from her when I was at my front door.


"I should've kissed you before you left, but I couldn't because of my friend. I almost cried, now all I've got is your smell on my pillow"


So yeah ........ I don't know what to think.


We do every thing couples do, and she can't keep her eyes off me. When we were walking around, me, her and her friend, the girl I like would constantly hold my hand and/or put her arm around mine. At one point on the Tube she she had her feet wrapped around mine.


I'm thinking of transferring from my current, **** University to be closer to her.


What should I do?


How does she feel about me? What do you think? :love:

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*sigh* - why not? :love: Fortune favours the brave. Paris is only a few hours from London, right? If it goes pear-shaped, you can always move back.


I say, go for it. If your studies aren't going to suffer, give a red-hot crack.

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