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Trying to figure out if this guy likes me back

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I'm currently in 12th grade and like guy named Chris in my school that is very similar to me; likes reading books and almost always see in in the library, high GPA (while mine 3.658 unweighted, his is like 3.7), likes aerospace science too but he seems reserved.


We've talked a couple times about school, our majors, etc but don't know if he feels the same way towards me; I say this because after a while, he either says ''Well see you tomorrow, I really got to go now'' or looks down on the floor at times (though I did caught him smiling twice but very quickly like for a second and then got serious again; according to some of my friends they say it can be a good sign if he smiles).


I've thought about asking him out but don't know if that'll come as too foward nor if he'll say yes. I've never ask out a guy before. I've once encountered a Chris type last year too but it's like they don't like me. I don't know why nor if I'm doing something wrong. The ones that hit on me seem to be the ones that basis looks don't have anything special and I can't even talk to them about smart topics so I can't be ugly but I don't like them. I like Chris but would suck if he didn't like me back.


Guys, do you think he likes me back?

Edited by SarahLee96
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First, good job getting high GPA


Second, who approches who in term of conversation


I mean if he likes you whether as a friend or as a potential gf, he'll come by and start talking


But if you are the one who always initiate the talking and the conversation. I 'll say you are just someone who he considers an acquaintance


Did he ask for your twitter, instgram, snap chat, fb or number?


Anyway, if you still like him and you think he does like you back. Ask him for one of his social media accounts

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