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Shy friend, hope to be more!

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Hi:) I'm Cassandra, 21 from Southern California.


Well, several months ago, my brother joined a band and became really close friends with his bandmates. I have also become really close with them. However, i'm a pretty shy girl. Anyway, the singer of the band Mike, also 21, and also really shy, and I have been hanging out just about every day for the past few weeks, with my brother. The three of us watch movies together, take trips together, everything. When the three of us are together, we can all talk, no problems. And after spending so much time with Mike and getting to know him, I REALLY like him. We've been friends for 7 months or so now, and I feel like I know him pretty good, and we have a WHOLE LOT in common. I think we'd be perfect for eachother. Problem is, like I said, we are both really shy. And when its just the two of us together, it seems to get sort of ackward. We don't talk much, and conversations don't seem to get very far. He seems nervous, or I do, I really can't tell anymore!


I don't know what to do! I can't tell if he is interested. He is super shy, and makes NO indications of how he feels for me. Any suggestions??

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Well seeing as your both very shy, talking about it is out of the question.


Try sending him an email. Ask him if he can see the two of you as a couple and that to you it's seems like a good idea.


Good luck!

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Rather than asking him if he could see you two as a couple, I think you should get the courage somehow to ask him to hang out with you ALONE. If you guys have a lot in common maybe you could go out and do something fun that way you weren't sitting at home in a quiet environment. Then maybe you would have a better idea about the vibes he is giving you. Or better yet, maybe he will then start to wonder the same things you are wondering about him.... if he isn't already....? :)


P.S. How would your brother feel about you two dating???

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Talking online seems to free the mind and weaken ones inhibitions. I strongly suggest going that route. You may even see some things you would never see just "hanging out".

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