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People keep asking me to do drugs

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I Just came out of middle school and currently now a freshman at a public highschool. My school is well over 2000 people. And eevrywhere I go it seems that people i know are trying to get me to smoke. I go in the bathroom toilets filled with ciggarettes and the place reeks of it. Even in my classes people are talking about drugs and smoking, and if they want to smoke after school. In the morning I arrive at at school and people are smoking at 6:30 in the morining. How the hell could you just wake up and want a ciggarette.


And its not just ciggarettes people are doing. People are smoking weed, blacks, and w/e else there is


Im tired of people trying to get me to smoke and do sh*t i dont want too. I bet from all the 2nd hand smoke i experience every day prob adds up to a ciggarette or two.


Its starting to piss me off real bad just because i cant take the smell anymore. Its everyhwere i go except for home.


Any 1 have an idea of what to say to people so they wills top asking me for a smoke. Apparently profanity and anger doesnt stop it just raises my blood level and then puts me in a bad mood.


Me and my good friends dont smoke but it seems like everyone else does... More then half my grade smokes.


Im actually thinking about writing an anonymous letter to the principal or soemthing telling them to take more action on smoking ons chool grounds. But wil that kind of thing have to go up to the board of ed?

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wow, where is your school?


they banned smoking in and around all school buildings and property years ago at mine, before i even grduated and that was 6 years ago.


i don't think it's too much to ask. if kids need to smoke, they can smoke in their cars.


as for wanting them to stop talking about it, well you can't do that because people can talk about whatever they want.


but when it comes to them asking you over and over again to do it, i don't get why they would. you said your close friends don't do drugs/smoke etc; so these people who do are obviosuly not your good friends. why is there such a demand for you to be around them? most people i know that do such things don't want outsiders around, it's no fun and it's pointless.


just keep saying no. they will get tired of asking, or they will decide you're not the kind of company they are looking for.


next time ask them "no thank you again, but what is it that you think is going to benefit you if i did want to?"

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as nancy reagan once said, and I quote "JUST SAY NO"


i have some old bumper stickers and buttons if u want 'em...

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