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What is the best way to progress with my friend?

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I have a major crush on a girl I met in a university class. We're pretty good friends, but she's exactly what I would want in a significant other. I'm willing to take a leap of faith and ask her out this week. It sucks, because if I ask her in class, then we have a mutual friend who is in our class and it would make things weird. Her and our mutual guy friend are pretty close, and I THINK they are not together. I just don't want to make things awkward between all 3 of us by asking her in front of him. I was planning on either calling her up or texting her. It's not exactly asking her out. I was going to invite her to a charity 5k run that I'm doing with my friends. So, in this case texting is not weird or thoughtless, but a call definitely would speak volumes about my character to her. This girl may already know I like her, just because guys like me are oblivious that we are so obvious with our intentions. Mine being that I really like her a lot and want to try a relationship.


I was dumped last year, so I have a little bit of rejection problems.


To me, it sounds like a friend inviting another to an outing. Yet, like I said, I'm sure she probably knows my ulterior motive, which isn't bad. Last time I poured my heart out to a girl, she crushed it. I was dumped exactly this time last year, and have been searching myself to find confidence in who I am. I think I'm ready, but am really scared of the rejection.


Should I call her or text her? The text leaves it open to strategizing what I will say, yet the call is more sincere and shows I have all of that built up confidence.

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Ask her out on a real date, just the two of you. Make a move on her and see what happens. I don't think she knows that you like her more than a friend.


It's time to get out of the friend zone.

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