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when she turns the cheek


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Hello again everyone its been a while since i been here


Anyway I was on a what i thought was a sucessfull date last night . Throughout the night there was postive incidental contact between us like she was touching my arm and brushing up against me purposely doing sighns that she is interested.


When i dropped her off she just gave me a hug when I tried to kiss her she turned her cheek. Things were going alright all night


I felt big time rejected.


my question is is she testing for whatever reason


or is this a sighn of low interest level and I should right her off


Kiss denied/bummed out

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Give her a chance! If you think it went well, and you would like to see her again, give her a call, ask her if she had fun, ask her if she'd like to go somewhere else. If she's not interested she'll let you know, but not wanting to kiss on the first date isn't neccesarily an indication that she had a lousy time... Maybe she's not as experienced as you are and would like to wait until she's sure of her feelings before doing anytihng physical... To some people, even kissing can be a big deal, something very special... some people have kissed dozens of other, some have only kissed a few other people, and think of it as being more important becasue of that. I have NEVER kissed a guy on the first date... but I've only kissed 3 people, ever. Whereas my best friend in high school had no problem kissing strangers at the Rocky Horror Picture Show.... Maybe she just feels like kissing you is an important step that should wait. OR maybe she really was trying to reject you. You'll never know until you talk to her.

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I recently experienced the cheek-kiss, but with one major difference - HE CHOSE TO KISS ME (the girl) ON THE CHEEK! I would have preferred a lip-kiss, but for the first 3 or 4 dates, he would just kiss me on the cheek and give me a hug. I asked him about it one night, and he said that kissing was a very intimate thing to him, and he didn't like to rush that. He also mentioned that it seemed people were so quick to rush into kissing and doing the mandatory hello and goodbye kisses, while he preferred kissing when the desire was so strong he had to express it by kissing. I must admit, I was quite impressed by his passionate views, and seeing it from his viewpoint made it seem even sweeter when we finally did kiss, because I knew he really had feelings for me and wasn't just trying to get in my pants. We are very intimate now, and there are still times where he kisses me on the cheek, and I still find it sweet. But I adore his deep kisses, too, he has such a soft mouth. *sigh*

Give her a chance! If you think it went well, and you would like to see her again, give her a call, ask her if she had fun, ask her if she'd like to go somewhere else. If she's not interested she'll let you know, but not wanting to kiss on the first date isn't neccesarily an indication that she had a lousy time... Maybe she's not as experienced as you are and would like to wait until she's sure of her feelings before doing anytihng physical... To some people, even kissing can be a big deal, something very special... some people have kissed dozens of other, some have only kissed a few other people, and think of it as being more important becasue of that. I have NEVER kissed a guy on the first date... but I've only kissed 3 people, ever. Whereas my best friend in high school had no problem kissing strangers at the Rocky Horror Picture Show.... Maybe she just feels like kissing you is an important step that should wait. OR maybe she really was trying to reject you. You'll never know until you talk to her.
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Basically, my silly rant in my previous post was my way of saying don't give up on your girl yet. Definitely call her and ask her out again. You can't ignore the vibes she gave off and the good times that the two of you shared - don't let a turned-cheek determine your possibility of future dates. She may feel differently about first-date kissing than you or have less experience. ^_^

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