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I choose the mentalists!

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So I made a post a few days ago because someone who I'd been talking too had been to prison for a sex offence


If that wasn't bad enough


Today while watching the news, I heard a name I recognised. Looked up to be greeted with the face of a man I dated for about 4 months.


He was an army officer - according to the news he's since been kicked out of the military for stealing from others soldiers and dates.


Today he was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering one woman and almost killing another (who he also dated from

The same site)


I feel shocked, relief, frightened that someone like that was around me and I was clueless.


Either god is real and doesn't want me to date or I have the worse luck of all mankind!


So I ask you lovely lot - what on earth does a girl have to do to find a nice normal chap to date? Lol

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Sorry I posted this in the wrong section and didn't realise until afterwards

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What are your expectations in dating? How do you carry yourself? What do you think you deserve, honestly? How do you see yourself? If you are attracting broken men then you have to ask yourself if you are a Florence Nightengale who wants to heal everyone, a low self esteemed who thinks she deserves very little or a naive Pollyanna who accepts every behavior because you want everyone to like you and you think you should give everyone a chance because people are inherently good. Then there is the mommy who thinks they need to "raise" men who are broken because they obviously did not get parented correctly. So which are you, or are you all of them to a certain degree? By reflecting on this it may give you some insight to why you keep attracting the broken losers.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Firstly you look exactly like someone I used to know but you're not, I can tell that from the way you write. Secondly it seems like you are looking for love in all the wrong places. As you are reading these words take a quick note of where you are in your life physically, mentally and spiritually. The place you are right now is because of every decision you have ever taken in your life.

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Firstly you look exactly like someone I used to know but you're not, I can tell that from the way you write. Secondly it seems like you are looking for love in all the wrong places. As you are reading these words take a quick note of where you are in your life physically, mentally and spiritually. The place you are right now is because of every decision you have ever taken in your life.


You can tell that just by the way I write huh? My writing is different in different places :)


As for the rest of it I am physically and mentally mature now, I am ready to find someone alike. However I somehow seem to find the people who act the same way and then turn out to have many many skeletons.


I think it may simply be bad luck of the draw, it's a frequent thing I have found with my 3 relationships. (One marriage and two engagements)


I'm not into dating right now, I am having a breather. I'm kinda liking it that way although I miss the manly companionship

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I say stop looking for love or men and let them find you.

Perhaps you are seeking out men due to loneliness? I'm not trying to offend you in anyway and I apologise if that isn't true.

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Strength in Healing

...Today he was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering one woman and almost killing another (who he also dated from

The same site)....


...I have the worse luck of all mankind!



I mean, sounds like you have good luck considering you are alive. No joke.

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mrs rubble

I met some pretty dodgy men on online dating sites too! One guy in particular had the most bizarre stories, I decided to do my own investigating and uncovered inconsitencies, when I confronted him, he disappeared! A few months later the police called me to ask questions about him and he was sent to prison for theft off several single women, he made off with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Trust your gut, if something seems too good to be true or too bizarre to be real, check it out.

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I mean, sounds like you have good luck considering you are alive. No joke.


You are right - that was pretty scary, even scarier that if it had gotten serious I could have taken him around my children. Thank god that wasn't the case

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I met some pretty dodgy men on online dating sites too! One guy in particular had the most bizarre stories, I decided to do my own investigating and uncovered inconsitencies, when I confronted him, he disappeared! A few months later the police called me to ask questions about him and he was sent to prison for theft off several single women, he made off with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Trust your gut, if something seems too good to be true or too bizarre to be real, check it out.


Thank you, I'm not currently dating right now, I just don't have time for the games that come with it. Maybe later, however I am certainly going to be an awful lot more cautious in future :)

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I say stop looking for love or men and let them find you.

Perhaps you are seeking out men due to loneliness? I'm not trying to offend you in anyway and I apologise if that isn't true.



I'm not lonely so to speak, but I get you and you may well be right.


Not dating right now and I don't plan too for a good long while.

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I get the feeling you try too hard with men just from how you speak about them in general like you go looking for them instead of letting them come to you, I feel like even on here you're on a man hunt with the frequent chest/headshot avatar changes on a help forum, you're trying too hard!

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I get the feeling you try too hard with men just from how you speak about them in general like you go looking for them instead of letting them come to you, I feel like even on here you're on a man hunt with the frequent chest/headshot avatar changes on a help forum, you're trying too hard!


I'm not chasing anyone at all,maybe in the past however I am literally not talking to anyone lol!!


As for my avatar picture that has nothing to with men on here or otherwise. Many ladies and gents on here have an avatar of themselfs. Mine isn't to attract attention it's simply for me.

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I know quite a bit about criminal types, and I can tell you lots of them have supernatural radar for choosing women who will tolerate certain aspects of them. Examine your upbringing and ask yourself if there's any parallels between any single traits of any dangerous guys you've dated and any member of your family. Thing is, we all have blind spots because whatever we grew up with, even if we rebelled against it, some facets will seem normal and even comfortable to us. An example might be if you grew up with a father who kind of badgered and bossed around your mother, you might be drawn either to a man who did that to some smaller extent to you OR a man who took the role of your mother and let you do it to some extent to him. Now, this behavior would send up a red flag to most women. An everyday example might be one I saw my friend put up with. At the gas station, she got out to pump the gas while her man remained in the car. Nothing wrong with that, but then he proceeded to tell her she was doing it wrong -- something as simple as pumping gas. Not much to know about that. And it just rolled off her back. That's a red flag of abuse when they find things to criticize you for.


Anyway, no one has perfect radar, myself included, but learn to run from liars and controllers, thieves, and anyone who says they did anything cruel to anyone or any animals.

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Guys like that go for the nicest girls, that won't necessarily be looking for red flags.

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I'm not chasing anyone at all,maybe in the past however I am literally not talking to anyone lol!!


As for my avatar picture that has nothing to with men on here or otherwise. Many ladies and gents on here have an avatar of themselfs. Mine isn't to attract attention it's simply for me.


I know people have a pic of themself, but I kinda got the feeling that with the weekly change and sometimes them containing cleavage shots you were perhaps trying to land men on this site.


I have always had wonder what would come of this site if it had a meeting section I think a lot of people on this site have the same ideals when it comes to dating esp on the whole cheating topic, many people here are hurt and wouldn't do what their ex's did and ling to find someone the same!!! And were all right here.

Edited by Omei
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