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. I'm so lost :/


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Ok so here's the story:

She's 22 I'm 23. I met this girl at school and we hit it off we were flirting and having fun so I asked her out and she said yes. Along comes the date on a Friday night and we both had a great time and we kissed at the end of the night. Next day she asks me out to lunch for the following Tuesday. Lunch was great the conversation flowed smoothly and we kissed again goodbye. Later that day she texts me and asks me if I was on campus and we met up because we both had breaks. We hung out for a few hours and when we parted we kissed again and after we pulled apart she darted in for another quick kiss. A couple minutes later she texted me that " today was fun ?". The following Thursday we met up on our breaks and she tells me that she had never kissed a guy so quick and that she thinks we should slow it down and that she's only kissed three guys before. She says that we should get to know each other more and be friends first. All the while mentioning that's she's really interested in me. She said that about 3 or 4 times while telling me this. I was really confused by this but I didn't want to come off as bitter or anything so I just said I agree. My first instinct was that she just a wants to be friends and was just trying to let me down easy. However she texted me that night telling me that she had fun today with me and about some other things we did. A few people told me that maybe she was just scared that I was going to try and just sleep with her and maybe she was scared. We talked a little the next day about little mundane stuff. On Monday she texted me saying that "she hopes I had a great weekend and that work went well for me". I would've thought that maybe if she just really wanted to be friends she would just tried to distance herself from me afterward since I thought it was clear that I liked her and wanted to date her. Anyways, a mutual friend of ours texted her and asked how things were going with us. She replied that were just friends right now and that sometime down the road if it feels like more than well see then.


I'm so confused right now. I really thought this girl liked me. Usually I see the signs coming before the lets be friends talk happens but with her it just came out of nowhere. I don't know what to do now. I really like this girl and am just really disappointed. What should I do? I don't want to stay friends with a girl I have a crush on if I know she's not going to reciprocate. Should I still hang out with her with the hopes of getting together or should I just bail and wait and see of she ever changes her mind? There's another cute girl who I know is interested in me so I'll ask her out but would this look really bad to the girl who I have a big crush on?

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She's 22 and she's getting weirded out by kissing too soon..?? I mean, to each there own but this would kind of turn me away.

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She's 22 and she's getting weirded out by kissing too soon..?? I mean, to each there own but this would kind of turn me away.


people are strange, I had a girl be really into me bombard me with texts and saying she wants me etc etc. I kiss and hold her hand on the next date and she runs off - and she was 27 pfft. You can't always predict of understand why people do things. Most important thing is you keep yourself safe and strong and happy. Don't let anyone hurt you, if they were the person you were looking for, they would jump at the chance to be with you.



I wouldn't burden yourself, be friendly toward her and giver her the opportunity to advance things with you, but don't become to invested. Tell her your interested and just put the ball in her court - just be happy and don't torture yourself, chances are if this doesn't work - the next one will be dying to start something with you. Good luck mate and remember you inner security comes first :)

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You feel like she took a step back by saying what she said. I say, take a couple of steps back as well. Last thing you want to do, is to try harder, because you just got curved a bit. Taper off some of the communication. Couple of weeks pass, ask her on a date. That should bottom line a lot of things. Don't write her off though. Just curve yourself a bit. You sound like you got options as well.


Is the other girl likely to know this girl? Then yeah, she could take it the wrong way. If not? Yeah go ahead and date dude.

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I think she's quite interested but not very experienced, and not really ready to admit it to the friend. Just slow it down and be steady. Don't disappear but also don't let her feel like she's got you all wrapped up. Back off of the communication some, make her wonder, then call and ask her on a proper date. If you think she's trying to FZ you (because she doesn't know what the hell she's doing) then refuse to see her in any context other than a proper date. And when that happens, don't let her give you the cheek.

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She likes you a lot, she just doesn't want you to think she moves fast with guys. That's why she said what she said. But the opposite is what she wants. She wants to spend more time with you. She enjoy kissing you. You should not take this the wrong way, just assure her you like her. And keep moving forward and have fun.


I think it will break her heart if she finds out you ask out another girl. So don't. If you really like this girl, do more to show her. She wants to see that you are into her as much as she is into you. Initiate more with her. Call her up and take her out, move forward into a proper relationship.

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I just left school today and lately I've been seeing her on our breaks at this time and she just sent me this "Heyy! I'm assuming your class went long/normal today, or you headed home! :) either way I hope you have a great evening!

:/ I'm doing some homework right now trying to be productive... Lol"

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I just left school today and lately I've been seeing her on our breaks at this time and she just sent me this "Heyy! I'm assuming your class went long/normal today, or you headed home! :) either way I hope you have a great evening!

:/ I'm doing some homework right now trying to be productive... Lol"


Well... she's throwing a text to you.. wanting your attention, at least. She's either a flake or genuinely interested in you.

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I just left school today and lately I've been seeing her on our breaks at this time and she just sent me this "Heyy! I'm assuming your class went long/normal today, or you headed home! :) either way I hope you have a great evening!

:/ I'm doing some homework right now trying to be productive... Lol"


I hope you ask her to be your girlfriend soon, don't make her wait too long. Sounds like things are going well.. good luck. :)

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I hope you ask her to be your girlfriend soon, don't make her wait too long. Sounds like things are going well.. good luck. :)


Well it feels like it's going well but she just told me a couple days ago that we should be friends awhile so I don't know if asking her to be my gf would be the best course of action. My friend just sent me the exact texts that my crush had sent her.

"Hahah were fine. Were just staying friends right now so there's not a 'Josh and I'" and then my friend asked what happened and she replied "nothing happened were just going to be friends. Andddd if sometime down the road if feels like more then well see then.but I feel it's best to be friends n all. Has he said anything to you?"

It all feels very friend zone to me but then she sends me texts asking about my day and hoping my day went well. Idk I think maybe just to distance myself is best and stop giving her attention might be a good idea just to make her wonder and think about me not being there.

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Well it feels like it's going well but she just told me a couple days ago that we should be friends awhile so I don't know if asking her to be my gf would be the best course of action. My friend just sent me the exact texts that my crush had sent her.

"Hahah were fine. Were just staying friends right now so there's not a 'Josh and I'" and then my friend asked what happened and she replied "nothing happened were just going to be friends. Andddd if sometime down the road if feels like more then well see then.but I feel it's best to be friends n all. Has he said anything to you?"

It all feels very friend zone to me but then she sends me texts asking about my day and hoping my day went well. Idk I think maybe just to distance myself is best and stop giving her attention might be a good idea just to make her wonder and think about me not being there.


Interesting... well keep us posted.

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Tbh I think Valen was right. She likes you, but just doesn't want you/other people to think she moves too fast. I think you should talk to her and be like "I'm not judging you for us kissing early, but I don't want to just be your friend, I want to date you. Now if you aren't ready to be my girlfriend yet thats fine, but we shouldn't act like we are JUST friends." That way you let her know you aren't judging her and you are cool with getting to know her more.

Keep spending time with her etc. but dont let her friend zone you, now if she wants to stop kissing still idk we can handle it when it comes I guess but I think the biggest issue here is her insecurity.

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Thomas the Red Fox
Tbh I think Valen was right. She likes you, but just doesn't want you/other people to think she moves too fast. I think you should talk to her and be like "I'm not judging you for us kissing early, but I don't want to just be your friend, I want to date you. Now if you aren't ready to be my girlfriend yet thats fine, but we shouldn't act like we are JUST friends." That way you let her know you aren't judging her and you are cool with getting to know her more.

Keep spending time with her etc. but dont let her friend zone you, now if she wants to stop kissing still idk we can handle it when it comes I guess but I think the biggest issue here is her insecurity.



I agree, but say it in person and say it with a smile and confidence.

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She likes you so much, that she wants to be friends first. Makes sense. It's like 1+1=3.


I'm not saying she doesn't like you, I'm also not saying she's really into you.


One more thing, stop talking to other people about each other. Third party information is the worst. Regardless if both of you guys are in the same circle of friends. Play this smart and properly, man.

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