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I want to be more than a friend


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a few months ago I transferred into a new department at work and there he was, a guy i was very attracted to. I began to investigate a little and a few people told me he was gay. after I began to know him a little i really didn't think he was gay, he often speaks of women and well their parts, if you know what I mean and he does talk about some of his ex-girlfriends. We all do a little sex talk at work. He does have alot of female "only friends" though. I finally got to go out with him, although I am not sure it was a date or just hanging out, he shook my hand at the end of the night and that was about the end of it. however i have noticed that we have been becoming friends. One conversation we had( with a bunch of us at work) we were talking about being "slutty" and he said, I know your not a slut or we would have had sex the night we went out(although he didn't even try). what i guess i need help with is that, we are not good friends yet, we probably could be but I would rather have more. Should I risk a potential awkward situation by telling him that i would like to date him or should I leave it alone, wait for him to make the first move? sometimes I think he is flirting with the idea of more, but I am not sure.

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First of all, dating people at work can cause a mountain of problems, especially in your case where your co-workers would spread the word about seeing someone they considered gay.


Second, he has broken a Federal law by discussing "women's parts" in a work setting and he could end up in Federal prison or heavily fined and jobless if he is reported.


Third, it was really nice of him to tell you that you were not a slut. That's always great for a woman to know.


If this is a guy you'd really like to go out with and you are willing to risk a lot of consquences at work...whether things go well or not...by all means do tell him you're interested.


After all, it isn't every day that you meet a guy who everybody think's is gay, who likes to talk about women's parts, who would have had sex with you the first night he went out with you, and who you already know doesn't think you're a slut.


Sounds great to me!!!

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a few months ago I transferred into a new

department at work and there he was, a guy i was very attracted to. I began to investigate a little and a few people told me he was gay. after I began to know him a little i really didn't think he was gay, he often speaks of women and well their parts, if you know what I mean and he does talk about some of his ex-girlfriends. We all do a little sex talk at work. He does have alot of female "only friends" though. I finally got to go out with him, although I am not sure it was a date or just hanging out, he shook my hand at the end of the night and that was about the end of it. however i have noticed that we have been becoming friends. One conversation we had( with a bunch of us at work) we were talking about being "slutty" and he said, I know your not a slut or we would have had sex the night we went out(although he didn't even try). what i guess i need help with is that, we are not good friends yet, we probably could be but I would rather have more. Should I risk a potential awkward situation by telling him that i would like to date him or should I leave it alone, wait for him to make the first move? sometimes I think he is flirting with the idea of more, but I am not sure. Fishbulb here. I say GO FOR IT!!! Life is too f...ing short to not fill it with experiences, good or bad. the point is, you took the RISK! The payoff may be heartache or it may be Heaven, but you'll never know if you don't try. Spank his little butt!
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