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my boyfriend cheated on me with his ex girlfriend and i found out when he used to tell me he was going some place he would really be with her. So now i feel like whenever he tells me things hes lying so i say something and then we argue. but we always argue. what should i do about the untrust feeling and how do i push arguing to a minimum? should i just kiss his ass or put my foot down? when i try to put my foot down he says he'll leave me...im soo confused. i love him and i live with him..im only 19 and my family put me out because of him...HELP ME!!

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I just saw in your other thread that you are looking for female sexual partners. Do you intend to stay with your boyfriend while you are looking for sex with other women? Does he know you are interested in finding other sexual partners? I'm curious as to how you could be concerned with him cheating on you when you are actively pursuing other sexual partners as well. Do you two have an arrangement where he is not supposed to have other sexual partners, but its ok for you to? I'm just confused by your two very different types of posts.

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I was wondering the same thing LB...




Lindsey.. honestly it sounds like your boyfriend is a controlling, manipulating jackass.

He cheated on you, and somehow you seem to be the one who is kissing his ass to keep him?

(Aside from your other thread that is)


Life is to damn short to live with, date, or deal with an assclown.


IF him seeing other people, sleeping with other people whatever the case may be isn't okay with you, then HELL YEAH put your foot down (or in his ass which ever) and let him know you're not down for it, and your not having it.


IF he threatens to leave you.. then ya know what.. tell him not to let the door hit him where the good Lord split him.

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Lindz, untill you get another place, you should definately kiss his ass.

It's bad advice to "kick his ass" when you won't have a pot to piss in afterward.

You should set limits on what the two of you do together, since your not "together". You should probably find a new residence AND a new boyfriend. From what you said, I gather your relationship won't be a healthy one if you choose to endure (read "become a martyr").


My heart aches for you hun, I wouldn't wish that situation on my most hated acquaintance. (actually I would, but I still feel your pain)

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Hunnybuns... you're being young and stupid. It's okay because you're young but in ten years you'll look back at this and wonder what you were thinking.


Ask yourself this....


1. Is he the only guy/girl you will ever have feelings from?

2. Is the pain and betrayl he makes you feel enjoyable?


If the boy cheats, he will probably cheat again. Now that you two aren't together I'm sure he's probably doing any chick that'll blink at him.


The ass you should be kissing is that of your parents. If you need a place to go.. go home. Sure they kicked you out and rejected you for going away with this obvious loser but that's because they saw something you didn't at the time. They are your family and will be there for you when you really need them and if you have nowhere else to go... try that way first before giving up hope.

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