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Underarm help- any suggestions? Sweating during day

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Lately I am sweating more during day and no matter what deodorant I use- It appears to wear off by noon.

I am a male and my diet is pretty good- Any other suggestions?

WOuld shaving hair help?? types of deodorant?? Natural remedies?

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Go to your doc and ask for a prescrip for Aluminum Chloride. I believe the typical solution is 20%. You apply it to your underarms a couple nights a week and shower it off in the morning. You still use regular deoderant during the day, but trust me it'll make all the difference.



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Originally posted by tanbark813

You might try shaving your armpits. It's admittedly gay, but a sweaty friend of mine said this helped.



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i would try a couple different ANTI-perspirants....make sure that is what they are.


i think degree works well.


and re-apply.

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I usaed to have this problem and I am a girl! Needless to say it was very embarassing. I went to my Doctor and got a prescription for drysol-- it worked! No matter what temp it was, I used to sweat like a maniac, now I don't!

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I've got the solution for you that you can buy over the counter if it's a huge problem. It's work for me. It's a product called Certain Dri. It's a prescription strength anti-persperant and it works wonders.

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