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boyfriend said he was still in love with his ex

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A few days ago, my boyfriend told me he was still in love with his ex, and then broke up with me. Less than a day later he messages me and tells me he is having doubts about his decision. We were together for less than four months and he broke up with his ex-girlfriend of over three years to be with me. He told me he talked to his ex and that she was willing to take him back but wanted to start off as friends, but he also told me that he never realized that he loved me until after we broke up..? So a day later he calls me and tells me that he told his ex how he feels about me now and asks me to take him back. What do I do?

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I'm not sure I would want to be with a man who essentially has told me I'm his back up plan. Since he doesn't have a sure thing with the ex, he's keeping you in reserve in case it doesn't work out.

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This guy is so confused doesn't know whether he wants a $h!£, a shave or a haircut.


He's acting you like you are two cans of baked beans on a shelf and he gets to choose today's best bargain.


Tell him the store just closed and he's missed out on today's special offer, which was you.


If it's such a hard decision to chose bewtween you then he can't want either of you very much.


Surely you can see that you deserve better than this?


Move on, and be available for the guy that really wants you.

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A few days ago, my boyfriend told me he was still in love with his ex, and then broke up with me. Less than a day later he messages me and tells me he is having doubts about his decision. We were together for less than four months and he broke up with his ex-girlfriend of over three years to be with me. He told me he talked to his ex and that she was willing to take him back but wanted to start off as friends, but he also told me that he never realized that he loved me until after we broke up..? So a day later he calls me and tells me that he told his ex how he feels about me now and asks me to take him back. What do I do?


Do what you feel is right, people do make mistakes. However, he's coming back to you after he got rejected from a romantic relationship with his ex, looks like she wants him to work for it. Personally, I'd say no way, but if you do let him come back, maybe do what his ex did and require that you start out as friends....and that he cut all ties with his ex. If he stays then you know it's on the up and up.

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