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Cheated on a year ago, just began feeling...

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Hey Everyone.


So about a year ago my boyfriend went to New York and cheated on me. I feel like I never really faced it and got upset. Now almost a year later I am beginning to become angry, and he feels I have no right to be this way -- because it has been a year. He doesn't understand that I just tried to forget, I didn't feel. Now for the first time I am feeling, and it just breaks my heart. He is going to New York again, and while I don't feel like he'll cheat on me again, I still know it will be a hard trip for me. He just thinks because he tells me I have nothing to worry about and that he loves me, I should be all happy and fine. It isn't really realistic to me. No matter what I say he just continues to feel that I have no reason/right to still be soo upset. I can't help it, he hurt me deeply and made me look like an idiot. I love him, but now I am questioning if I'll ever stop being mad about this. Will I ever be able to remain his g/f. His reasoning is that at that time we were only together for 3 months now its been way longer. He thinks me being mad is stupid. I'm not mad, I'm hurt. What do you think I should do.

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I can imagine how you feel. I also have troubles getting over things and can feel the pain still much later.


But you forgave him for what he did. Tell me, after he cheated on you, did he something to repair it, to compensate for it? Was he sorry, did he do something that would show he regreted what happened?


If he already apologized for what he did a milion times, showed you that it was a mistake and gave you lot of proves of love, you should really try to move on. Maybe do some meditation, counseling, something that would help you to get over it.

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