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This girl keeps laughing/smiling every time I speak...

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A few weeks ago, I decided to introduce myself to this girl at my Sunday orchestra rehearsal. We shook hands and stuff. Then over the past few weeks we have been making a few minutes of small talk, though it only happens once every one or two weeks because rehearsal is only once a week and she was sick, and then I was sick...


Anyway, today I noticed she was smiling quite a bit talking to me, as if she's happy I am talking to her and laughing when I am not even being funny, lol. During rehearsal, I decided to look behind me and caught her eyes and gave her a smile and she tried to fake a smile back immediately lol.


Anyway, after that we didn't really talk that much (since most of the time is spent in rehearsal) but when we did (for very brief sessions, like 20 seconds), she was laughing every time.


At the end of rehearsal, I was like, "So..." and was thinking about how to say goodbye to her, and right away she was laughing...like all I said was, "So..." and she was laughing...


After talking to her for a bit, even though she's not that physically attractive (she's a little overweight and not really that physically stunning to be honest). BUT, as I have said before, looks matter but all I need is somewhat physical attraction if I like her as a person. And so far, I am really digging her sweetness/kindness. And I AM physically attracted to her at SOME level. So I am liking her...


Anyway, there is no rehearsal for two weeks. I was thinking about asking for her number today but it still feels early. I might do it 1-2 rehearsals from now, or actually just the concert because the concert is in like three weeks and then we're done for the year, so I will probably just get her number then.


But anyway, I have a few questions:


1. Does this girl's laughing at smiling at practically anything I say mean anything?

2. I am running out of stuff to talk about and that's another problem I have in general. Can you give me some conversational topics to work with?


I am 16 by the way and she's around the same age.

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Uh yes, that's a fairly baseline indication someone likes you. It generally means one of a couple things, either they're genuinely amazed by everything you say (infatuated with you) or they know perfectly well they're guffawing like an idiot and want you to think they're amazed by everything you say (a more level headed attempt to hit on you, basically, which everyone uses).


It can also mean they're drunk or high. It can also mean they're socially anxious and don't actually like you but are scared rigid of you and everyone else so will laugh nervous laughter every time you speak. In this case it's probably not those, although can't rule it out from here, I don't know what the recreational drugs scene is like in orchestras or if you hide whisky bottles in the tuba.

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How do I show her that I am interested too? I plan on asking for her number next rehearsal, which isn't until two weeks from now unfortunately. But I really want to start flirting with her and show my interest in her. How do I do this? Maybe if I told her something like, "You seem like a sweet person. I like that in a girl," and things like that because that's one of the main reasons I am starting to like her. Her voice sounds so sweet and cute.


The other thing is, she's a junior and I am a sophomore in high school. Not sure if that matters much or...

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I don't know your crazy American school ages so that's up to you as long as it's legal.


If she's into you already you don't need to say anything particular. Just keep doing whatever you're doing, get her number, then ask her out so you can uplift the whole thing from crappy 2 week interactions at practice to one on one somewhere proper. Do that ASAP. Flirting is just being deliberately flattering and somewhat funny, say she looks nice, you like her necklace, brush a loose hair off her and say she's moulting etc. Start trying to use lines or whatever else to "flirt" in some formal sense and you'll just look silly.

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