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We love each other, but can't be together

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I am stuck. I have fallen madly in love with a man who says he loves me. However, he is technically married (they live together and are engaged to be) and they have a daughter whos three.


We haven't done anything with each other as I am in a serious relationship myself with a man I love but I am not in love with him anymore, however I respect him too much to hurt him.


Simon and I are both attracted to each other, and even his Dad Steven has said he wishes SImon would come to me. I am not a ghome wrecker and do not intend to do anything with a child involved but it is tearing me apart. We talk all the time and he has said that when the time is right, he will come to me. Even his parents know he is planning on leaving his girlfriend.


Should i wait for him or love the man i am with who is totally undeserving of the way i am treating him. Although i haven't cheated I am in love with Simon.


It hurting me so much. Simon tells me he loves me. And I know i belong with him. This has been building up for over 2 years. What can i do?


Please don't judge me too much. I don't want to be a home wrecker. I never intended to fall in love with hom


Please help, any advice would be good

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I'm sorry to say, but the man that is engaged is not going to leave his fiance. I was also in the same boat as you and when I found out they were married it was too late. I was already so deeply in love with him more than I've ever been. It's been over 4 years, but I can still feel the pain.


I heard he eventually left his wife, but I knew he would have done the same thing to me eventually.


If you feel that the person you are with now is undeserving of you, then you shouldn't be in that relationship either. You should be with someone you are in love with and someone who will love you back.

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