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It's been a couple of weeks since my wife decided I don't belong in our marriage anymore. She had an affair with her coworker for 7 months and I think another affair yearas before. She wants a divorce and has kicked me out of her life. I left our home and an survivng day by day. I drank a bottle of wine tonight because this evening is especially difficult. I'm left with a tremendous amount of pain and questions. She wants nothing to do with me and seems fine moving on. I feel lost and utterly betrayed. I must be so stupid to have loved such a liar and deciever. I just want to disappear. I wonder what I've become to deserve to be such a fool

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You are not a fool for feeling this way. It is normal. Put down the grog it will only amplify things. Try to decide what you need. Difficult now i know but the quicker you can think a bit clearer the better. Married or not we all put up with things and let people we love off the hook too often. There are others here will be able to help more but at the moment put down the drink.

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