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I need some serious advice. I have been seeing this guy he is about 35-37 and I am 25 since early Oct. We talk almost nightly and so something about once a week together. I am kind of shy, but I really enjoy doing stuff with him and talking with him. I am unsure of where our relationship is going. We exchanged Christmas gifts and stuff like t hat. We really have gotten touchy feely yet. He hug and kiss each other on the lips when we part. I want more. I just don't know what to do. Especially with Valentines day coming up and such. Do I send a card in the mail or not. I am not sure what he is thinking. Are we Friends or More? I am so confused this is my first serious relationship or going to be. I just don't know where I am coming. It is so hard. HELP

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It would seem that by now things would have advanced a little more than they have. You need to let him know you would like to see him more often. Maybe he is shy as well and doesn't know quite how far to go. Perhaps you need to be a little more agressive here, initiate a kiss...or something like that. Sort of get things going at the right time.


Go on more romantic dates. It's really hard to get romantically worked up inside a movie theatre with everyone around, but you can hold hands. Take nice walks, hold hands, put your arm around his waste. Do some of those kinds of things to let him know you want to get down to business.


He should respond in kind. If he doesn't, then I think you need to come right out and tell him you need a bit more here. It sounds like he really cares about you but may be just as shy as you or slow for some other reason. Talking always works if you can get him to open up.


For Valentine's Day, invite him a week in advance for a special dinner at your place. Or suggest that the two of you treat each other to a special Valentine's dinner at a nice restaurant. Be sure to make reservations in advance. Give him a card at that time.


I don't really think there is anything at all wrong in telling him how much you enjoy your time with him and how you would like to make it more often.


Do all this and you'll have things taking off in no time.

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