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Trouble moving on

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I am having a lot of trouble moving on since my b/f split up with me. We were very much in love, and he was also my best friend. I could talk to him about anything and the comfort we shared together was amazing.


Then all of a sudden he left me. I know he had problems that he was having a hell of a time dealing with and that I couldn't help him with. He was afraid the problems would become a big strain on our relationship, as we had tried to talk them through before but only managed to get upset over them. He used to get quite scared and insecure that I would leave him for someone else. He once cried to me that if something ever went wrong between us, he wouldn't know what to do.


Then he left me. After we split, he sent me an email telling me how he is going to try so hard to get over me. He said he still loves me and misses me, but he just can't deal with things. He said he hurts that he is not with me anymore, but he doesn't know what he's doing anymore. He admitted it is immaturity that he can't deal with things (he's one of these people that sees problems 10 times bigger than they are). Then a week later he rebounded to another person. This broke my heart, even though he told me she doesn't compare to me in the slightest. He just wants to try and get over me.


I am having such trouble getting over this. We talked about his problems a couple of times, then he kept them to himself. I know it won't sound like it from this post, but we really had a fantastic relationship. He just let things pile on top of him.


Can somebody please help me. I miss him like crazy. I know we won't get back together, and I haven't spoken to him for a couple of months because I don't want to be friends. I want to move on without him, but it is such a struggle. I feel empty.


I feel like I lost my boyfriend and my best friend at once. I have never felt like this about someone before, and I'm having such a hard time dealing with it.

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Please read my reply to powderpuff's post below, entitled "Confused and Sad." That should answer most of your concerns.


I'm sure others will chime in and help you as well when they get to their computers.


What you're going through it not easy at all. It's very empty...but it really sounds like this guy is extremely immature, almost childlike, and hardly ready for anything more serious than Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.

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