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I need help on getting a friend to become more than a friend.

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ok ladies, help me out here. I am new at USF, just transfered , so im a junior. Ok here is the question. I have a weird situation with this girl that is in one of my classes. I have hung out with her a couple of times and we had a great time. I like her a lot and i know she feels the same. Ok here is the sore thumb. Supposedly she is still kinda , hung over her ex b/f in who lives in another state far away (so as to not give names) but anyway she is still acting weird about getting involved in a relationship. I know it is meant to be but how do i break her. What do I do in order to finally get this girl. I have had a good share of g/f's in the past but never ran into a situation like this. I am a pretty down to earth guys and I am no dumbass and she is smart and good looking also. Any things i can do in order to get some type of physical response from her. Besides the friendly patting , or friendly hugs. Help me out here Ladies. Any advice would be sweet.

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Originally posted by wrxerracer

she is still acting weird about getting involved in a relationship. I know it is meant to be but how do i break her.


You can make a bold, direct and impossible-to-misinterpret move and say "I like you as more than friends, and I want to date you. In fact, I'd love to take you out to dinner this weekend at (insert a good mid-range to expensive restaurant name here). I am not interested in being just your friend, I want you to be my girlfriend. Be bold, direct and to the point. If you don't, then you are dooming yourself to the "friend zone" if you aren't already stuck there.


Unfortunately, I don't think it will work in this case though. It sounds like she isn't interested in a relationship, but at the very least you will have told her what you want and will not have to worry about the dreaded "friend inertia".

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It seems to me like this girl is in fact hung up on her ex and isn't ready for a new relationship yet. Be patient. What she needs right now is a friend.


Also, you say that it's "meant to be." It may just be what you think, it may not be true. If somethings meant to be it will happen on it's own and not be forced.


So just be there for this girl but keep your options open.

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thanks for the input , but i told her i wanna be more than friends and she was down with it . But i guess she need time to get over her ex b/f . For now i can go back to being an a**h*** and look for "other" girls. there are many in my classes that are taking a lot of interest but i have been kind of ignoring them. I prefer the mysterious , good -girls

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Yeah, I was in kinda the same situation except in my case she was already dating someone else, and she didn't tell me about it. Oh well, we're still friends so that's cool I guess.


My problem is that I can't tell when a girl is flirting. Apparently I'm somewhat attractive and I've been complemented on my looks - but the only 2 girls I've ever asked out parttook in some form of touching. I really dislike being touched so maybe that could explain the attraction (1st girl was a hugger and I made out with the 2nd).


I know I'll find someone someday, it's just everyone else I know are in relationships or are trying to find one. I never liked trying to find a girl - as I'd rather just fall in love. But that hasn't been working for me lately.

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Be cool with it for a while.

She clearly is still getting over her ex.


But don't be as available as just a friend either, cuz that can make you be a "friend" only. and you don't want to end up in that category if there is date potential.


Plus, guys have gotten my interest by being available and itnerested adn then departing. Then I'm like, "Hey, what happened to so and so, I miss him...."

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