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Hidden Cameras


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I think you should break up with him if you feel this way.


Relationships without any trust crumble VERY soon anyway and you'd be doing yourself a favor.

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When I was a little boy, I always had the same feeling. I felt my whole life, every moment of it, was being broadcast around the world.


I really didn't mind. I did watch myself though. When I took a Tootsie Roll from the corner store, I made sure I was out of camera range. But I was mostly a really good kid and enjoyed the fame of having the cameras follow me constantly.


When I got older and started discovering my manliness, I started seeing where my life being on camera all the time was a lot less practical. I mean I didn't want the whole world to see me going through all that puberty stuff...and then to see other stuff and for them to watch me grow hair on my hands and become feeble-minded. I really hated for people to see me putting Clearasil on my pimples. That's when it really started bothering me.


So I joined the American Federation of Radio and Television Arists. They have a website on the Internet. When you're a member in good standing, people can't put you on camera unless they pay you union scale. You tell whoever you think may be pulling these tricks that they have to pay $640 per day for putting you on live or taping you. Furthermore, they have to make residual payments everytime they view a tape they make.


That usually stops them. If they don't make the payments, you take them to court and sue the hell out of them.


I don't think you are really crazy for thinking your boyfriend may have you under surveillance but I do think you would be insane for not absolutely insisting that your work be adequately compensated as required in the standard AFTRA contract which you should have your boyfriend sign immediately. If you do things right, you may be able to negotiate a fee which is in excess of union minimum.


Jim Carey got $20 million for doing the Truman Show, which is a lot like what we're talking about here. Call the studios and get the same agent that Carey has.

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Am I crazy for being absolutely paranoid

for thinking that maybe my bf has hidden cameras to watch me?? I cannot afford a private investigator.

Wow...a little hostility in the air this eve...not you, but the responses. Maybe get a shirt made up to wear around your place that says something like, "My boyfriend is a mistrusting, voyeuristic pig", or "I know I'm being watched, a**h***". At least you'd know pretty quickly if he confronts you about it. Stand up for yourself. Fight fire with fire...then dump the shmuck.

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This is the second time she's posted about these alleged hidden cameras....the past two times, we asked her for more info, like WHY did she think this, WHY would she be with someone who'd do such a thing, etc...but never a response/further info. Personally, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the supposed camera up in the air duct of the *14* foot high bathroom. (what the hell, that bathroom in a hangar or warehouse? LOL)




Dump him...If for no other reason, so that we don't have to keep seeing your posts about this.
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This is the second time she's posted about these alleged hidden cameras....the past two times, we asked her for more info, like WHY did she think this, WHY would she be with someone who'd do such a thing, etc...but never a response/further info. Personally, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the supposed camera up in the air duct of the *14* foot high bathroom. (what the hell, that bathroom in a hangar or warehouse? LOL) L
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