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I started going out with a girl. We have been together for the past month and a half. I wanted to start having sexual relationship with her, however, she claims that we don't have a steady relationship yet, bla bla bla....she is playing hard to get. So I have an Ex of 4 years, with whom I stopped having sex shortly after I met my new girlfriend. But, I resumed having sex with my ex a week ago, until my new girlfriend comes to her senses, and stops playing a virgin girl with me. So anyway, is this cheating? SInce we have not started having sex together?

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I started going out with a girl. We have been together for the past month and a half. I wanted to start having sexual relationship with her, however, she claims that we don't have a steady relationship yet, bla bla bla....she is playing hard to get. So I have an Ex of 4 years, with whom I stopped having sex shortly after I met my new girlfriend. But, I resumed having sex with my ex a week ago, until my new girlfriend comes to her senses, and stops playing a virgin girl with me. So anyway, is this cheating? SInce we have not started having sex together?





She wants to know for sure what your intentions are ,and how you are going to treat her, she may want to be in love and secure before you take that very special step .


If I knew her I would tell her to run very fast.


You are not ready for any kinda real relationship until you grow up .

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I don't know, WHAT DO YOU THINK????!!!!


Nobody here can really say Yes, or No. It's up to you, and your value structure.


Now, if you're asking us if we would tolerate this type of behavior of ourselves, myself, I would question why I was even dating this other girl at all, if I didn't think it was worth it to wait for her.


And you're clearly using the ex-girlfriend for sex, which I consider wrong as well.


That's where my value structure lies.


Where is yours?

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If you and your girlfriend aren't in a committed relationship, and she KNOWS that both of you are allowed to date and sleep around with other people outside this relationship, then it's ok.


Cheating means "being sexually unfaithful". But it also means "deceiving", "misleading", "fooling", and "acting dishonestly".


Does she know that it's okay that you two date other people?


Does she know you're having sex with others?


Does she know that you think it's okay for her to have sex with other guys while dating you?


If she knows ALL of the above and chooses to talk to you, then it's not cheating. But if you're lying to her about any of the above, or misleading her into thinking that you two are committed to each other while you're having sex behind her back, then that's a pretty rotten thing to do!


"I resumed having sex with my ex a week ago, until my new girlfriend comes to her senses, and stops playing a virgin girl with me".


If I was your girl and I knew you were getting it on with your ex, I wouldn't have sex with you either.


But then again, if you were doing this, I wouldn't be your girl in the first place.


Maybe you're the one that needs to "come to your senses"?

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Is this cheating? HHHMMMMMM???


It's a lot more amusing than cheating. It's actually quite a concept. Frankly, some of it is rather genius if all the parties know about it.


You could start a new trend and get a lot of girls off the hook...take a lot of pressure off of them.


When a guy starts seeing a new girl, he just tells her to take her absolute time, that he'll be satisfying his sexual needs with his ex until such time as she is ready for him. You can maybe require a ten day notice in writing or something like that when she feels ready.


Your new girlfriend, in the meantime, can be having sex with her ex until she is "ready" to give herself to you. She would, of course, be required to give her ex a ten day notice of discontinuance of sex as well. That way both of you will be fully satisfied sexually until such time as you are ready for each other.


Now, it sounds real good, very official, pretty safe from a disease standpoint. But, I don't really know if this has practical applications in the real world of dating.


So you might seek a patent on the concept, and while it's pending, you can go into the research and development (R&D) stage and just try it. Seems like you already have a headstart in the R & D area.


Somehow, I don't think your new girlfriend is gonna go along with this bold experiment but, then again, I didn't ever think I'd see a post like this.


The final results will determine for you whether this is cheating or not. I sort of feel like it won't be because I think you won't have a new girlfriend anymore to have to consider.

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You do not even deserve that woman at all. I cannot believe you, cheating on your girlfriend JUST because she would not have sex with you yet.


If I were your girl, I would have broke with you already. What you've done is shallow, very shallow.

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...that you obviously value sex over the feelings for your new girlfriend.


I think that this kind of behaviour is very selfish and shallow.


I think you're using your ex for your own sexual gratification.


I think the fact that you refer to your new girlfriend as "a virgin girl" is totally disrespectful.


I think you should wake up to yourself and stop being so selfish.


I think your new girlfriend deserves so much better.


I think it is cheating.


But that's only what I think......

I started going out with a girl. We have been together for the past month and a half. I wanted to start having sexual relationship with her, however, she claims that we don't have a steady relationship yet, bla bla bla....she is playing hard to get. So I have an Ex of 4 years, with whom I stopped having sex shortly after I met my new girlfriend. But, I resumed having sex with my ex a week ago, until my new girlfriend comes to her senses, and stops playing a virgin girl with me. So anyway, is this cheating? SInce we have not started having sex together?
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