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feeling miserable


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I feel miserable about being out working.I dont like it much cause my arm shakes and have alot of trouble with my neck and back. Another thing I dont like is when people at work give me funny looks.Everytime my arm starts shaking people stare at me.It draws an audience all the time.I just dont understand it.It just bothers me.

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I don't know what you have but it sounds like Parkinson's Disease, the same thing that former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno and actor Michael J. Fox have. It is a motor neuron disease of the nervous system that affects various receptors in the brain. The movement is uncontrollable without treatment.


However, there are certain drugs that have helped control this. Fox actually had surgery a few years ago and he claims this helped some although surgery is not recommended in the majority of cases.


Perhaps, in your case, this is the result of a past injury or some other neurological and/or muscular disease.


You need to get this checked out thoroughly by a competent physician as soon as possible to see exactly what the cause of this involuntary movement is and begin an appropriate treatment regimen. A neurologist would be the proper specialist to see for this.


You may qualify for certain disabilty benefits while you find more suitable work and surroundings that will not interfere with your self esteem.


You are correct to be bothered by this. It is a serious matter that deserves immediate and decisive attention.


As far as the audience you draw from your co-workers, they are low-life scum. You have a choice of either explaining that this is an involuntary neurological condition which is not your fault or you can go find a job where your co-workers will have just a little bit more class and manners.


Please get help soon and let us know what you find out. Good luck and we'll be hoping for the best for you.

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