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A question of whether its worth saving or not?

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It has come to my unfortunate conclusion that my marriage was about as dysfunctional as it could possibly get. Communication breakdown, trust issues, control, jealousy, infidelity, drug&alcohol issues, mental disorders, etc. Looking @ that list even makes me wonder how in the world would any couple survive&live happily ever after. After all it takes two&its one thing to recognize the issues either one, or both spouses. However, its another thing to do something about it. I was' nt doing anything about my own personal issues&after a while one can only take so much. If their clearly is' nt an effort on your part then your time becomes very limited as it seems you dont care.




Its so easy to get caught up in that fit for tat game. Its funny how it gets to that&before you know it your not even arguing about the initial issue. That's long gone as the mud is slung back&forth. Kids may witness this&become affected seeing Mommy&Daddy scream @ one another. When is it finally time to throw in the towel so to speak? THat's a very difficult question&obviously it depends on the circumstances. I believe I was given so many chances&screwed it up. That's the bottom line. Although she had&still has relevant issues. Mine were @ the forefront.

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