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Have you lived past lives?

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:) Hi. My first starting post here!


Does anyone here, anyone NORMAL, believe in past life experiences?


I dont mean some tree-huggin',hairy armpit,clog-wearin',hippy-wannabee-type, or someone who thinks they were Queen Nefertitti, or Alexander the Great.......


I mean anyone who has hints or experiences of their life being lived repeatedly?


;):o By the way.....I DO hug trees :o:o:)

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firstly~ i do not hug trees....i have, but not on any regular basis.


but i know at least one of my past lives. i strongly feel and even remember, that i was a prisonor in a Natzi prison camp. not to glamourous.

i have always had an interest in the holocaust.... even when i was like 5, i never knew why cause it is soo horrific and terrible. when i was 17, i became very anorexic, and i inda think i was re-living some of my past life.

i used to have a lady that would center my energy, and she would do holistic healing with me. well the healing touch would usually put me to sleep, and i had the most vivid dreams of the horrors in some prison camp, and i would feel everything so realistically, the stinch, the coldness..... that is what i remember most- how cold it was.

anyway, after one session i was awake, and she was telling me how she "felt" such coldness and sadness and even terror, while she was "working". She said it reminded her of what it must have been like in the holocaust!

i was like, well that is exactly what i was dreaming about. and she went on to tell me that she felt this "coldness" each time i was there, and that she was never sure how to broach the subject, until then. so i told her how i felt really stongely that that was a past life of mine, and she agreed.


it is weird, i watch the specials on tv, and it is like i already know...... i have been to the holocaust museum in dc, and it feels soo weird to be there, my skin crawls....and i got really depressed while i was in there, but it is a depressing museum

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Does anyone here, anyone NORMAL, believe in past life experiences?


Just what is THAT suppossed to mean? HUH?


My Father-in-law, a very religous man, believes he has and died in a car accident.

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I believe in reincarnation, but in the buddhist sense - I like the analogy of billiards. We are like billiard balls, when the cue ball hits another ball, the energy that is in one ball is transferred to the other, and the "karma" is the direction the ball was hit in, and the spin of the ball which alters it's direction.


Although there are accounts of very young children vividly describing past lives, down to names, places, descriptions of locations, and descriptions of favored items from their past life....interesting.

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I just really feel a connection to like scottish or irsh or english medieval times, I havent narrowed it down, but there is SUCH a link to it. and nothing glamorous, no castles or anything, but a sense of familiarness with the music.My GAWD... I go gaga over RiverDance for Petes sake! Its mainly music that effects me, and causes vivid dreams, sometimes visions...but if I watch say, Braveheart, or Rob Roy, or some real weird like Flesh and Blood---I get real wierd goosebumps and images.

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My roommate is very religious (not in the traditional sense) and told me that my soul is very young and that I have not lived very many past lives. She also believes that me and my BF had met in past lives, and carried over our troubles to this life. I think that it could be true, and I believe so because of the way we met & how we instantly felt towards each other...


In any case, if there *are* past lives, I don't really have a sense of who I was or what time I lived in. That would be something interesting to research.

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spira~ i have always been told my soul is old, very wise and learned.


make sense, i do not relate as well to persons my age, most of my good friends are 10+ my senoir.

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I've always thought that i was a flapper from the 20's. I have a liking for Jazz and that hint of rebel in me comes out often. Since flappers were the "rebel" of the 20's. I've had preminitions of times when i would be dancing and singing and having a grand ol' time!

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I'm a dyed in the wool Skeptic, but yes, I believe in it insofar as my own context. As for whether or not I could say that it is bogus or the real deal in general, I couldn't say for sure. Just that its something that I believe in as part of my personal belief system. I have had 'flashes' or things akin to memories of things that I could not in my lifetime have (or ever had) experienced. Unexplainable things. Nothing significant or huge - just a handfull of vivid memories. I do remember the first time I saw something IRL that I had been dreaming about for years and years. I nearly swerved off the road. I used to dream about this one church. I knew the layout, the outside grounds, what it looked like inside, what toys were in the 'kiddie room", and so on. I moved to where I got my first full time teaching job and was driving around getting acquainted with the place (I had never been there before) - and drove past this very same church. I was freaked out. Big time. Coincidence? Does it mean anything? Prove anything? Who knows. I just know it was quite an experience.


I do feel strongly that my lucid dreams are some connection to an otherwise locked location in my consciousness (the jury is still out for me whether or not its some sort of 'astral' thing). Whatever it is, I do know this: I love lucid dreaming... :love:

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Of all the 'harmless' phenomena, this is the one I hope is explained first.


We can tackle the zodiac second.

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I believe I've been a farmer in Spain in the XIV century and I've died with black plague. Since then I've been fishes but I can't remember anything because my memory was too short.

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I don't believe in past lives. On the other side, I think Jung was partially right with his suppositions on the collective subconscient we inherite... that could be an explination.


Never had memories of another life either. Some people are more receptive than others and are very easily influenced by smells, sites or certain events. That makes me somewhat skeptical, although I do not deny concepts like receptivity or a certain sense of predicting events...

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