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Rogaine?! Hair problems!

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do a LS search. i had a post about this a little while ago. there weren't a ton of answers, but maybe one of them can help.

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I don't know if you are currently using Rogaine of if you're thinking about it, but I think it helps.


About 7 years ago, my sister noticed that the part in my hair was getting "bigger" maybe "wider" is the right word, so I hit a dermatologist immediately.


He is the one that suggested Rogaine, and I've been using it ever since. I think that my hair is a little thin on top, but I don't feel like it's getting any thinner...I can't imagine what it would look like now if I hadn't started back then.


By the way...there are generic versions of Rogaine that are alot less expensive and just as effective.


Check them out.

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i went on ebay and got a three month supply for $16 including shipping. a one month supply in the store costs more than $25.

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where do u buy the generic stuff and what is its name? how effective is rogaine, does it make it really grow or just little bits.

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