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Trying to move on with messed up life.

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So i thought i was ok and actually moving on with my life but i'm not. When you fall in love with your'e best mates girlfriend who starts to go for you. But then decides to mess with your'e head saying she wants to dump him ect but then your'e mates says that she keeps telling him how much she loves him and wants to marry him in the future it turns into a mess.

But i have looked online for jobs abroad so if i find one that is right for me and that i will get then that might give me a new light of life.

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I think you need to tell your buddy that his GF isn't quite as pure as he thinks if she's telling you that she wants to dump him.



I also think that you don't need to go abroad to fix your situation. Changing states may work. Getting a broader circle of friends so you don't see them as much will also help as will finding your own GF.



Good luck.

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Thanks for the advice, i might tell him what's been happening since it's all wrong. Her going i want to dump him and all that and i don't want to be with him anymore then the next day i love him and ready for marriage in the future it's all silly. And i know i won't move away but i will deff get new mates that will clear my head. And she deff needs to clear her head out aswell.

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Thanks for the advice, i might tell him what's been happening since it's all wrong. Her going i want to dump him and all that and i don't want to be with him anymore then the next day i love him and ready for marriage in the future it's all silly. And i know i won't move away but i will deff get new mates that will clear my head. And she deff needs to clear her head out aswell.


I don't think you should feel bad for falling for your best friends girlfriend because sometimes feelings arise and their isn't much you can do about that. If you ever pursued your best friends gf that is a different story and that's shame on you. There's no "I might" tell him whats been going but "you should" tell him whats going on. If he's your best friend there shouldn't be any doubt in telling him to prevent him from being with such a shady individual.


Whether or not he listens to you is another story.

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I know i shouldn't feel bad iv'e seen plenty of people go though the same thing falling for there bests mates girlfriend and having to cope with them feelings but not cope with her kissing you and make them feelings a heck of alot worse than they were.

And I have tried getting answers from her why did you do it, why did you kiss me ext. But it's the same old screwed up mess from her and will always be. Thanks again though.

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Eunice Carter

It can be hard to figure out how to start a personal development program. You are made upof so many different things, how would you know where to start? A few simple actions canhelp you start moving towards your personal goals for self-improvement, whatever thosegoals may be. This article is the first step of your journey towards success.Your physical well-being and mental health are connected. Eat right, avoiding high fat foodsand sugar, and get plenty of exercise. Always keep in mind that a sound mental state and avigorous physical condition should work in tandem.You have to be in good physical shape if you want your personal development efforts to beas effective as possible. Achieving your personal development goals is more likely if youkeep your energy levels high by getting a sufficient amount of sleep, exercising on a regularbasis, and maintaining a nutritious diet. This sounds like obvious advice, but its sometimeshard to put into practice.Try to determine what things matter most in your life and devote your attention to them. Youwill have much more inner peace if you just choose to focus on things that matter to you.You cant make everyone happy, but you can make yourself happy. This does not meanprivileging your happiness to a fault, but it does mean that you must take responsibility foryour own happiness.

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