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ok maybe you all can help me....i am a senior in school, and i really like this girl. the only problem is i only talk to her online, and i cant muster up the words to talk to her at school. i guess its i just dont know what to say, but also i dunno if she has another "interest" at the moment. i say the latter since i knew her and another guy went to homecoming and stuff and supposedly went out from what i gather i guess, but i dunno whats the deal between them since i rarely see them together like i used to. so i am at a loss on what to do, any advice would be appreciated.

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ok, first of all, does she know it's you that she's talking to online? If not, that's your first step. Next of all if she does know, "hi, how's it going". Real simple. See what happens. Start small talk. Talking online is the same as talking to someone in person. Relax and stay calm if you get nervous. After you start talking then you can find out if she's seeing anyone. You can also find out if she likes you by the way she acts around you. Find some interests between the two of you and bring it up in a conversation. This is enough for now. Let us know how it goes.

ok maybe you all can help me....i am a senior in school, and i really like this girl. the only problem is i only talk to her online, and i cant muster up the words to talk to her at school. i guess its i just dont know what to say, but also i dunno if she has another "interest" at the moment. i say the latter since i knew her and another guy went to homecoming and stuff and supposedly went out from what i gather i guess, but i dunno whats the deal between them since i rarely see them together like i used to. so i am at a loss on what to do, any advice would be appreciated.
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ok maybe you all can help me....i am a senior

in school, and i really like this girl. the only problem is i only talk to her online, and i cant muster up the words to talk to her at school. i guess its i just dont know what to say, but also i dunno if she has another "interest" at the moment. i say the latter since i knew her and another guy went to homecoming and stuff and supposedly went out from what i gather i guess, but i dunno whats the deal between them since i rarely see them together like i used to. so i am at a loss on what to do, any advice would be appreciated.

Not to be a smart ass, but there's this series of discs that run up your back and connect to your skull...take a moment and sit back, become aware of your spine...now, feel the connection it shares with your brain. I'm totally serious. Your head (and your heart) knows what it wants to do. {I'm assuming that she also knows that it's you she's talking to online}. If she knows it's you, then you really have nothing to lose, do you? Also, you're still in high school, a time when most people change relationships faster than thier underwear. If you've got a good thing online, then make your spine follow your head and GO FOR IT! Life's too short, man!

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