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i dont even know what to think on that, she gets a text and it says "hey sexy bum, how are you today" off a number thats not saved...i text back saying "whos this sorry dont have number saved". 10 minutes later i check to see if anyone had replied and she had deleted the text messages. I look on call logs and nobody had replied off that number but she had text once more to it since my text, but they were deleted. I ask her why she deleted them and she said they hadnt, her phone must have done it itself. So i try calling the number 3 times and nobody answers. I then send text the number over to myself to have it on record to try again in the week. She then goes through my phone while i was asleep and deletes the number off and goes through all her records and deletes the number off her phone completely




So then its: - why is someone texting her calling her sexy that she tries to hide, - what did she text him back and then delete straight away, - why claim that you didnt delete the texts and have a magic phone - why would the person then refuse to answer the phone straight after - why did she go through all that effort to remove the number from my phone and her phone repeatedly ... (i text it to myself about 3 times and she deleted it every time)

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By your intervention and by asking her later about it you ruined any possibility to have the truth.


Of course she is lying. But's it doesn't say she's cheating. Maybe she just doesn't want you to get upset because of a silly text, which could be sent by many innocent reasons.


But i think the main problem here that she thinks you have an IQ of a monkey, or she has an IQ of a mouse expecting you to buy her lame excuse. "The phone deletes selected messages by itself...." HAHAHAHAH!!!! I would dump her only for that.

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Ask yourself...why would any go through that much hassle to make sure you don't have a number / texts?


It's because there's something to hide.


"What is being hidden?" is the question. I think you should start by asking her that question.


If she tries to lie about it, then move on. You don't need that immature crap.

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I mean I get that there's a process you need to go through, asking and talking about it etc, but IMO that's a 100% clear indication both that she's cheating on you and that she holds you in utter contempt (Yeah I'll just delete the texts, and go through his phone and delete the number 3 TIMES, that'll fix the problem he'll just forget all about it) and I'd be making peace and leaving. These interactions say to me that you can "talk" and "ask" til you're blue in the face, she'll say nothing. How despicable.

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I think it's pretty clear. And all the effort to conceal. Busted!


The phone deleted the message! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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She's bored with you, knows what she has with you, so now she wants to get attention elsewhere, see if someone better is out there. You don't have proof that she has cheated on you, but now you know she's lying to you which is the precursor to her cheating on you, if she hasn't already.


You know what needs to done: leave her.


If it were me, I would play along, let her think she is manipulating you. Then set up a nice dinner somewhere way out, far away from where you both live... enjoy a great dinner, excuse yourself to the bathroom, take off and leave her there to pay the bill and find her way home.

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Do you have the number still? Or do you have it memorized? You can take the number and go online. Do a reverse look up to see who that number belongs to.

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Omg if I dnt wanna text someone I dnt want to do I


Ur just paranoid al tym I keep numbers I wanna talk too simple, dno how im gna sleep tonight im in agony


Yesterday at 18:10*·*Sent from Messenger




Yu clearly didnt read the message


Yesterday at 18:11


Chad Cottom


Why message them then delete text straight away

Why tell me you didnt

Why co stantly hide the number from my phone


Yesterday at 18:11




Cus I dnt wanna talk to them do I simple


Why shud u wanna talk to them too


Who u talkin to anyway?


Yesterday at 18:14*·*Sent from Messenger


This was the reply i get when i asked her last night...the problem is i live the other side of the country for work, i still travel home friday night and back to work on monday morning.

She goes to the gym every night and i found that she kept adding these guys she met at the gym, she argued their younger and go round the same group in the gym but still she went mental cause i get approached by girls a lot yet i ignore them and tell them im taken.

I just dont really get whats going on, i want to end it too but we have a holiday next week that is the only time i get off work and was v expensive. I will just have to wait till after that :(

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Omg if I dnt wanna text someone I dnt want to do I


Ur just paranoid al tym I keep numbers I wanna talk too simple, dno how im gna sleep tonight im in agony


Yesterday at 18:10*·*Sent from Messenger




Yu clearly didnt read the message


Yesterday at 18:11


Chad Cottom


Why message them then delete text straight away

Why tell me you didnt

Why co stantly hide the number from my phone


Yesterday at 18:11




Cus I dnt wanna talk to them do I simple


Why shud u wanna talk to them too


Who u talkin to anyway?


Yesterday at 18:14*·*Sent from Messenger


This was the reply i get when i asked her last night...the problem is i live the other side of the country for work, i still travel home friday night and back to work on monday morning.

She goes to the gym every night and i found that she kept adding these guys she met at the gym, she argued their younger and go round the same group in the gym but still she went mental cause i get approached by girls a lot yet i ignore them and tell them im taken.

I just dont really get whats going on, i want to end it too but we have a holiday next week that is the only time i get off work and was v expensive. I will just have to wait till after that :(


Just by those responses, I can tell intelligence isn't her strong suit.


Leave her. You deserve someone who actually wants to be with you.

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Yep, she's a liar and cheater. Relationship over.


The phone deleted the message! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


This made my day, really. :lmao:

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Start talking to the girls at the gym it will get her limbic brain going in overdrive.

Start going out without her and don't tell her where.

Now stop talking relationship and act like you have moved on...fake it if you have to you deserve respect whether from her or someone else.

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It's irrelevant if she is cheating, lying, getting off on the attention, when she went through that amount of trouble to hide it and is obviously lying through her teeth.


Dump her.

She's gonna blame it on you anyway.

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I'm 99.9% sure she is cheating but then again, there's a small chance that she isn't do so. Kinda hard to tell without any evidence but once you got them, BANG right in front of the face and there's no arguments as you got proofs.

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To me, the bad thing is the deceit. Whether she's "cheated", i.e. had sex with another guy, is not really the issue. It is the secrecy and deceiving that is damaging in itself because it destroys the trust.

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Omg if I dnt wanna text someone I dnt want to do I


Ur just paranoid al tym I keep numbers I wanna talk too simple, dno how im gna sleep tonight im in agony


Yesterday at 18:10*·*Sent from Messenger




Yu clearly didnt read the message


Yesterday at 18:11


Chad Cottom


Why message them then delete text straight away

Why tell me you didnt

Why co stantly hide the number from my phone


Yesterday at 18:11




Cus I dnt wanna talk to them do I simple


Why shud u wanna talk to them too


Who u talkin to anyway?


Yesterday at 18:14*·*Sent from Messenger


This was the reply i get when i asked her last night...the problem is i live the other side of the country for work, i still travel home friday night and back to work on monday morning.

She goes to the gym every night and i found that she kept adding these guys she met at the gym, she argued their younger and go round the same group in the gym but still she went mental cause i get approached by girls a lot yet i ignore them and tell them im taken.

I just dont really get whats going on, i want to end it too but we have a holiday next week that is the only time i get off work and was v expensive. I will just have to wait till after that :(


I can't even understand what she wrote to you. What in the world was she trying to say?


She doesn't seem too swift... do whatever you gotta do but write this one off. She's obviously hiding something from you.

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I can say with certainty she is behaving in a manner that is not how a gf should behave. Whether she's physically cheating or not that's a relationship ending offence right there.


Good luck, OP/

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