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When you're getting cheated on, is it common for the girls friends to hit on you?


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My ex cheated on me. I suspected her of it long before i found out. But thats whatever i'm over it.


But what i noticed is that even though none of her girlfriends came right out and told me she was cheating? They seemed to proposition me a lot. I had two of her friends outright proposition me for sex. A few of her other friends were always super flirty


And once we threw a hotel party. Like 4 girls from her cheerleading squad were all coming on to me, and HARD. Like sitting on my lap, staring me down while biting their lips, making gestures behind my gfs back, making jokes about my height in correlation with my penis size. The only reason it didn't go further is cuz my GF at the time got super upset cuz she could see what was going on.


Funny thing is? Most of these girls probably wouldn't have come onto me otherwise.


So were they just nasty girls? Or is it common for a girls friends to behave this way when they know you're being cheated on? ITs like they didn't want to say anything, but at the same time wanted to give me a chance to get even.



Edit: wrong section. Meant to add this to cheating subforum.

Edited by IdontPlayanyGames
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