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Depression? -- hard time?


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I am wondering if what I am going thru is depression or is it just a rough spot in life. Basically I can't find anything in my life or life in general that bring;s me happiness. I don't feel like doing anything. Today for example I slept in till noon, watched TV, chatted on the computer watched more TV, ate..I did nothing else. I feel like I am in a really bad rut but I have no way of getting out. I need a life makeover I just dont know where to begin. I need a hug, I need someone to lean on. Instead of always being the strong one, always being there for people. It just seems like everyone is to busy for me or to caught up in thier own lives and no one is there for me to turn too........


if anyone has any ideas I would be really happy to hear from you....


cheers Jacklynn..

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Your life doesn't sound depressing by any means. Many people do use the term 'depression' far too often, when the fact is they are just in a particular mood or rough spot.


Your life sounds similar to how I used to be. The problem is your finding yourself bored with nothing to do, not depressed. So, the solution is simple. Get outside!


Get off your computer, get off the television, and go out to the mall, go to the bar, go to a restaurant, anything! Call up some friends and hang out.


Your problem is that your letting yourself slip into boredom. Instead of getting up and going straight to the TV, eat and go for a walk. Get some fresh air, and it will brighten your day - guaranteed.


I cannot stress how healthy getting out of your house is. If you want someone to lean on, talk to a parent, friend, sibling, or better yet, God. Talk with him!


I hope this helps you out.

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It seems like you could be more active. I know it's hard to get motivated sometimes, but it's worth getting off your butt moping around. I used to be somewhat like that. I just felt there was nothing to do cause everyone was working and it was no fun by myself. You need to meet new friends if they don't have time for you. Why not take a hobby course up like crafts or photography. I took a photography class and had alot of fun. I met new people was outside enjoying the outside. Once you find something to do you'll get out of the rut. And what about a companion???

I am wondering if what I am going thru is depression or is it just a rough spot in life. Basically I can't find anything in my life or life in general that bring;s me happiness. I don't feel like doing anything. Today for example I slept in till noon, watched TV, chatted on the computer watched more TV, ate..I did nothing else. I feel like I am in a really bad rut but I have no way of getting out. I need a life makeover I just dont know where to begin. I need a hug, I need someone to lean on. Instead of always being the strong one, always being there for people. It just seems like everyone is to busy for me or to caught up in thier own lives and no one is there for me to turn too........ if anyone has any ideas I would be really happy to hear from you.... cheers Jacklynn..
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I am wondering if what I am going thru is

depression or is it just a rough spot in life. Basically I can't find anything in my life or life in general that bring;s me happiness. I don't feel like doing anything. Today for example I slept in till noon, watched TV, chatted on the computer watched more TV, ate..I did nothing else. I feel like I am in a really bad rut but I have no way of getting out. I need a life makeover I just dont know where to begin. I need a hug, I need someone to lean on. Instead of always being the strong one, always being there for people. It just seems like everyone is to busy for me or to caught up in thier own lives and no one is there for me to turn too........ if anyone has any ideas I would be really happy to hear from you.... cheers Jacklynn..

Hi Jacklynn, this is Fishbulb. I was depressed for a long time, and found it impossible to even admit to myself because I was always solving others' problems, in the hope that they would see some value in me...This was a cycle I repeated for three decades until pretty recently. Maybe you should visit some reputable websites that offer online depression tests. At least if it points that direction, you can proceed from there. You have to do it out of love and respect for yourself. You have to believe you are worth it. Good luck.

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Your life doesn't sound depressing by any

means. Many people do use the term 'depression' far too often, when the fact is they are just in a particular mood or rough spot. Your life sounds similar to how I used to be. The problem is your finding yourself bored with nothing to do, not depressed. So, the solution is simple. Get outside! Get off your computer, get off the television, and go out to the mall, go to the bar, go to a restaurant, anything! Call up some friends and hang out. Your problem is that your letting yourself slip into boredom. Instead of getting up and going straight to the TV, eat and go for a walk. Get some fresh air, and it will brighten your day - guaranteed. I cannot stress how healthy getting out of your house is. If you want someone to lean on, talk to a parent, friend, sibling, or better yet, God. Talk with him! I hope this helps you out. p.s. from fishbulb- "well..." gives excellent advice...creativity is good, too...
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