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Jealousy and paranoia issues

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Alright so. My girl friend and I have been dating 5 months which I know isn't the LONGEST time in fact it's not very long but anyways her and I have been through COUNTLESS things together and we both suffer from depression and bipolar and together all our problems seem to disappear for that day and days later. We make each other extremely happy and I would never cheat on her an she would never cheat on me. We know that. But, I still find myself having doubts and stupid jealously and paranoia for no reason or from the smallest things. I truly trust and love this girl. And I just feel like I'm ruining everything by being paranoid and jealous and possessive for the smallest most stupid things. I just need a couple tips on how to dispell this jealously and paranoia before I lose her. Thanks!

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Give us an example of the types of thing that your are getting jealous and paranoid about.


Have you considered CBT?

Edited by ffsear
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Alright so. My girl friend and I have been dating 5 months which I know isn't the LONGEST time in fact it's not very long but anyways her and I have been through COUNTLESS things together and we both suffer from depression and bipolar and together all our problems seem to disappear for that day and days later. We make each other extremely happy and I would never cheat on her an she would never cheat on me. We know that. But, I still find myself having doubts and stupid jealously and paranoia for no reason or from the smallest things. I truly trust and love this girl. And I just feel like I'm ruining everything by being paranoid and jealous and possessive for the smallest most stupid things. I just need a couple tips on how to dispell this jealously and paranoia before I lose her. Thanks!


You're going to have to work on yourself very hard to bring your depression under control, as best you can.

Along the way you'll find something more important than a relationship with a woman, yourself. That's the source of strength in a relationship and life.


I'd suggest taking up yoga and martial arts. Read as much as you can on the subject, consider counseling and avoid 'medication' as much as possible.


Its a long path and not always easy, there will be highs and pitfalls, but it is very rewarding.

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Be very, very careful. Finding your happiness solely in another person is sure to fail. Plus, if you both have mental illness, you are at risk for becoming truly codependent, which is not a good thing.


If you really trusted her, you wouldn't feel this jealousy. I have a history of jealousy and paranoia with other boyfriends, but with my fiance, I have little to no worries at all. I am not threatened by women he works with because he talks about me to them all the time, he tells me what goes on during his day and I'm 100% confident he would not cheat or do anything to put our relationship in jeopardy. I did not really trust my exes.


Be really careful here. Just because you are happy when someone is around doesn't mean they are the best person for you. And if you have problems of your own, a relationship is not going to magically fix those.

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