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2nd chance deserved?

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Does a partner deserve a second chance after cheating? Been married for 10 years.


Will the other partner ever forgive the other one for cheating? How long does it take for forgiveness if any? thanks

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As the above said, only you can decide that.


As for the forgiveness after cheating,


Forgiveness is one of those things that is easier to say than mean.


By that, I mean, you may think and tell someone you forgive them, but in reality you dont.


Forgiving someone means you can no longer hold what they did to you against them.


If you get into a fight in the future, you can't blackmail them and say, "well you cheated"


Its a very hard thing to do and takes a lot of strength.


Im currently in the process.

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Does a partner deserve a second chance after cheating? Been married for 10 years.


Will the other partner ever forgive the other one for cheating? How long does it take for forgiveness if any? thanks


They deserve a second chance if they are remorseful. If they think it's not their fault then it's over.


It's taken me nearly two years to forgive my partner. I no longer have those intense triggers. Bored of feeling like a victim

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