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Did my Girlfriend cheat on me?

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Hi so I'm new to this site and I really need help on this one. 2 nights ago I had a small get together with me and some friends after prom. We drank and had fun and my girlfriend needed to be home and I could not drive so my friend drove my girlfriend and her friend home. While driving them home my friend got a text from another kid at my high school saying there was a party at his house, so my friend (without my permission) drove her and her friend to the party saying they would oonly be there for a couple of minutes but it turns out they stayed for a good 2 hours. My girlfriend was already a little tipsy from my house and got drunk there and apparently cheated on me with another guy. Upon finding this out I drove straight to her house to confront her the next morning and she denied all of it. She apologized for going to the party in the first place (she should have told my friend to take her home instead) and denied everything about her cheating on me. We've been dating for awhile and we both love each other very much but I hear rumors from everyone that was there and I just need some closure.

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You're not going to get closure here buddy...


Either you believe her or you don't, but you need to be firm with yourself on what you do next. If you believe her and decide to stay together, you need to let this go. You can't throw it back at her when you fight. It needs to be done with once and for all.

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Closure would be nice but I understand. I believe her but I hate high school and can't wait to graduate in 13 days haha. Thank you for the help. I believe her and stand by her 100% but its the thoughts that kill me

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You do not believe her that's why you posted here. You should tell her she will get one chance to again tell you the truth and that if you find out thru social media that she is lying you will dump her. She obviously has boundary issues but you are so young that is not surprising.

From what she did in your description I believe she did cheat of she would have told you everything herself without you confronting her. That is a red flag!!!

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Well, if you have multiple people telling you something happened at this party, then maybe you might want to believe in that. I mean, what do they have to gain by lying? It's not like all of these people have a vested interest in breaking you up. It's not like all of them want to get with you.

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I'll echo the other posters first: Don't delude yourself by saying you believe her. If you did, you wouldn't be here. Let's get that out of the way first.


How did you come to find out she allegedly cheated? Who told you, and what did they say? If a few people came to you or confirmed this, it likely has some truth to it. What details did you hear?

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Cheaters aren't going to tell the truth unless you can show them photos of their act or other proof that'd nail them down. She just doesn't want her name to be worn down, which would happen if she admitted it.


And what in the world could she have done to provoke the anger of so many people who tell you that she cheated just so you two break up?

And, what did your friend who drove her say to you?

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I dunno man. Rumours going around about this type of thing usually ends up being true, in my experience. Especially if it's from more than one source.

Do you have reason to doubt the rumours (i.e someone that is a known liar)?

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Well, if you have multiple people telling you something happened at this party, then maybe you might want to believe in that. I mean, what do they have to gain by lying? It's not like all of these people have a vested interest in breaking you up. It's not like all of them want to get with you.


This is exactly what I thought at first but they're in high school as well. All it takes is one random liar trying to look cool, tells a couple buddies, they all tell everyone, etc. But yeah, it's sketchy for sure.

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I wouldn't give too much credibility to her or these other people at this point.


I would move forward, but with your eyes open.

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Next time be a gent and make sure you get your own girlfriend home safe, especially if she's a bit tipsy.


Ask your buddy if he saw your gf getting off with other men. If you trust him enough to get her home I'm sure you trust him to tell you what happened.

Edited by Joaquin
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Next time be a gent and make sure you get your own girlfriend home safe, especially if she's a bit tipsy.


Ask your buddy if he saw your gf getting off with other men. If you trust him enough to get her home I'm sure you trust him to tell you what happened.


Well he doesn't need to babysit her. She's responsible for her own actions. Also I have a strong feeling it was his friend that messed around with her if it happened.

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Cheaters are not criminals with evil faces and they aren't necessarily total scumbags. Most of the cheaters are normal loving people, who make mistakes and after that are trying to hide their cheating and from this point It's like a rolling avalanche.


So, of course you love your girlfriend and i suppose she is a lovely girl. But she is young and her boundries are not so solid, so she made some mistakes.


1. The first mistake was to go to that party. If she have fun with you but has to quit early and to get home, Why on earth did she went to another party? BIG RED FLAG!


2. Second mistake - If you said only for a few minutes why didnt she leave after a few minutes?


3. Third mistake - Why did she got drunk in a party while telling her boyfriend she went home to sleep?


4. fourth mistake - well, the cheating itself is the smallest problem here. because she was already drunk.


So I hope you understand that you have a big problem with her even if she didn't cheat. when she chaned her mind an decided to go to the other party she should have called you and tell you that. but she didn't. Cheaters always lie. so her words mean nothing especially when she say she doesn't remember anything.


Who told you that information and what exactly did they tell you?

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