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He was flirting and now....he blew me off?

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I don't understand men anymore!


Long story short!



I was convinced that my friend's friend who I've seen only a couple of times in my life, really flirted with me. But since I am shy and nice, I put him on a ignore button and didn't flirt back as much.

During last week we were on a party. My best friend who knows I like him told him that he must see my epic funny photo and that I have to show it to him. At first I said that she is crazy! Then I went on my facebook trying to find it and he did see my FB app. I just told him I can't find it in my phone and that I'm sorry about that.

He smiled and since he seen that I am on facebook he said that I should find him and send him that photo that he would be very interested in seeing something like that. I smiled and said ok, you will see it then.

A day later I've sent him a friend request like the biggest stalker! Day after that I've sent him a message.

I wrote this:

'Since you really really wanted to see my photo and told me to look you up on facebook. Here we are, but the thing is that I will dissapoint my best friend and because of that I will probably not sleep next couple of days and nights! You must trust me that I really tried hard to find it! But my historic photo is gone!'


I didn't use smiley faces, I was just being ironic and sarcastic! Was my message to harsh? I wrote it impulsively but the thing is that I feel like I was a bitch. And that I told him something like this between the lines

'Hey dude, you wanted my facebook, so here you go! I don't have that funny photo and I don't add people on facebook. But here we go!"

All he said was this


Seriously? I seriously said thath?

I just told him that we were all drunk and that my friends tease me as always because they are crazy and they were drunk and that they enjoy picking up at me :D

He didn't reply.

Was I too harsh? Was I a bitch? Be honest. How would you interpret my message and my moves? Did I offend him? Did i go too strong? Was I a lunatic?

This guy is older, so am I. I am 32, he is 39. At least he could be nicer and understand that I am a crazy chick who jokes around. My friend told me he also likes to joke a lot.

And now I am feeling like I am some lying selfconfident bitch which I am not. I guess he never did flirt with me.

But this facebook "invitation" really looked to me like he made some move on me to find him and add him on FB so that we can stay in contact or something...

Edited by joanna13
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Michelle ma Belle

I'm not entirely sure I understand all of this mainly because of how you've written it out but if I were to take a guess at interpreting things I'd say that you weren't harsh so much as maybe misinterpreting him.


Are you basing his flirtation just on him suggesting that you find him on FB? Did you have any other kind of conversation apart from the picture? Did he accept your friend request? What exactly were your "moves" because according to you, you said you "put him on a ignore button and didn't flirt back as much"? If that's the case, he might have gotten the message and just sees you as a friend of a friend and nothing more.


Asking someone to find them and friend them on FB isn't really flirting in my humble opinion. Many people just like to add friends and creep each others profiles more than anything romantic. If he followed that request up with something more, maybe it could be considered flirting or that he's showing special interest in you but I doubt it from what you've tried to explain.


If he's not falling over himself to get your attention, he might not be as interested in you as you may have thought. Guys are pretty simple to figure out that way. If you like him and want more, then perhaps you might try a new approach to let him know you're into him.

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Thanks for your reply :)


Of course I don't think that adding him on a FB should be a hint of fliriting! Well as you can see, he forgot he said it! :lmao:


When I met him he tried to do some communication with me, always asking for my opinion in front of anybody.


When I was leaving when we've just met. He called me by my name, grabbed me by my hand and told me ' See you next weekend and he smiled' He was a stranger then, he still is a stranger now too. But the thing is that I don't do that to people I've just met.


This guy at every party, no matter how many times he leaves and comes back, eventhought I move around a lot too, he always finds a spot to stand next to me really close. I give people always personal space, but he almost always leans onto me.


Yes, he added me as a friend when I've sent him that request, I've sent him the message later!


I was also observing him at the party last time we've seen each other. When I started to completly ignore him and was talking to some guys, he left. Then he got back, so we talked. Then some woman started to molest him. And when she left one of my friend asked him. Do you like her? And he said hell no, are you crazy. No, not like that, she was molesting me.

Then my friend told me out of the blue that we were leaving. He left the party with us all od the sudden and walked us to our car.


I know this stuff I wrote doesn't mean anything. I just tested him out with that facebook issues, because I wanted to see what will he say! And I guess he isn't interested much into me...if he were, he would at least reply to my last message. At least something and try to communicate.

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