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whites lies and all that stuff

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Having no experience at much of anything, and being pretty soft, girls will see through my white lies, I will be way to rational when talking about certain things..........and the girl think I think she's fat, etc, even if I like her a lot.


All those little challenges, does this make me look fat? Is my forehead to big? Is my breath bad ? Do I talk too much about? Do I sound crazy when........


Well even if u r mad about the person, what if the answer is yes I wish I could change those things about u ??????


Whats the advice for beginners on that ?

Edited by LordVader
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Don't say white lies, and stop indulging girls that have self-esteem issues.

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If she asks if she has bad breath, offer her a mint.



If she asks if she looks fat, she's most likely looking for reassurance or fishing for compliments. If she looks fine, say so. If the outfit has problems, suggest something you would like her in better.



You can tell the "white lie" about how much you really want to see the upcoming chick flick but you are allowed to express a preference to see something else.



Other than that, the truth or at least the most gentle version of it is best.

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