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My girlfriend of 7 years cheated on me with a friend of mine

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Remember, you caught her, she never came clean on her own. They would still be making out had you not, she had no intention of quitting.


true statement.


I know you have vested a lot in the relationship and her, its tough.


Yes, she was trying to manipulate the situation by what she was saying. It wasn't that she doesn't think you can't find someone, she knows you can and will find someone who won't treat you as she did. All she is trying to do is tug at those strings of yours. To be honest, its easier to stay then it is to walk away and start over. There is this "comfortable" state many get in when they are in a relationship. They know what they have if they stay, plus, she is really sorry and most likely has never done this before, right?


I guess it just depends on what you really want for yourself. Something you already know what you are going to get, including the cheating part as now it has happened , its may likely happen again. Or do you want a blank canvas with new brushes and paint so to create your future path? In my situation, the minute I found out my ex cheated, I chose the blank canvas with new brushes and paint.


The choice is yours.

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Every time I think about getting back with my ex I go and read stuff like this on LS. OP you made the right choice, I wish you the best mate. You deserve better and you'll find it.

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It is a good thing you dumped her, you did the right thing. This girl has no possible love for you, you don't cheat on someone you love, bottom line.

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Thanks everybody. Now it's time to take a new road. It will be unknown and hard but it will be worth it :)


Take care!

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