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Come to realization I need to move... Now what??

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I have been in denial about having to move. I don't want to move. I like my house. I like my neighborhood. Even though staying in my current home we shared as a married couple brings back some memories, I still love this house. I tried to stay here as long as possible for my 3 boys. I thought just hearing the news of our separation was hard enough. I didn't want to uproot them from the home they know and feel safe in.


They see their dad a couple nights during the week and every other weekend. The boys have a hard time there because it is a small space. They can't run around and there are no toys there. Just tv and video games. At my house they have their own space, a backyard to play in, and more things to do. I am afraid of losing that.


My parents offered to let me stay with them and save some money. Then go find a place I can afford when I am ready. It is a nice offer but I don't know if I can go back and live with my parents again. Plus my boys will be living there too.


I am just so angry at this situation. First my STBX tells me he doesn't love me anymore. He is dating someone else only months after moving out. So I lose my family, my husband, my best friend, and now I am going to lose my house. I am just so tired off everything turning out badly. When does it start getting better?


I don't know if I should just try to find some small affordable apartment or townhouse. Or do I save up some money and find a decent place for my boys and myself at the expense of losing my sanity living with my parents again?

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It depends on how fast you can sell your current house & find a suitable shelter.



If you have to live with your parents for a very short time ( < 1-3 months) your sanity should be intact, especially knowing the situation has an end date. be thankful that you have a fall back position just in case.

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