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I JUST found out---I got the job afterall!

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They reconsidered that reference because after checking with my other references they realized that the bad one might be the fact that the woman they talked with was a witch-with-a-B!


It's going to be 90 days probation (they would do that anyway) and then it will be permanent. Oh please, mom, don't get sick so that I have to miss any time!!!


I start on Monday -- Valentine's Day!! I'm getting nervous -- this is a very important job with a LOT of responsibility (more than I've had before) but I deliberately set my sights higher so now I have to walk the talk!


It was so hard telling my boss :(





Nervous Hokey!

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It was about time your luck changed!!!! I'm so happy for you, Hokey!!!


Coool. It calls for a celebration :)).



GO HOKKEYYYYYY :bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny:

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Would it be out of line for you to call and speak with the lady that gave youthe crummy reference? I'd be tempted to do that - or speak with her supervisor? To prevent it from happening again.


But nonetheless, YAY!!!

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[color=red]HOT DANG, HOKEY!!!![/color]


congrats on the new job, girl ... now take a few deep breaths, and repeat after me, "I so kick butt!" and you'll be fine on VD start date.

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Awe :o Thanks everyone! I think if I start doing the Hokey Pokey they might rescind the offer! :p


I'm starting to feel really guilty leaving here -- It's Tuesday already and we have only interviewed one person who is not right for the job. I really wish I could have given them two weeks notice! But my new company was adamant about me starting next week (they wanted me to start on the day they made the offer)


There are two more people coming to interview tomorrow, but that is only going to leave 2 maybe 2.5 days for me to train them! And I've got a deadline tomorrow. I told my boss I would come up on Saturday to help whoever is hired. I love this group of people and I wish this could have been a permanent job, its a great team! People from the partner company that I have worked with keep coming down here and hugging me and one man here is really sweating my leaving -- I'm his life-line and he definitely needs one! If I were younger I would just work two jobs -- this one in the evenings!


It's nice being on the other side of the interview table again---even if I am interviewing for my replacement!


I'm bringing my boss fudge on Friday. He claims to be addicted to it and always asks when I'm going to make more. One batch is about six pounds, that should hold him for a while!


Gawd! I'm such a nurturer!!

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Wow, that's a lovely idea!!! I love to cook for my friends. LOVE! I think it's a very nice gesture to make before you leave.

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