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Could this go any further????

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Need some help interpreting this situation...


There's a guy from work that I've been hanging out with lately. I work on weekend and usually we will get off at the same time and go get a drink at a bar close by. This past weekend after work we decided to go for our usual drink while he decided whether he wanted to go to a party afterwards.


While we walked over to the bar we talked a little about what we look for in relationships and he mentions that he wasn't into the one night stand thing anymore and i agreeded with him.


We got to the bar and he asked if i wanted to go to the party with him and i said i would. we went to the party but it was starting to die down. We stayed there for about 40 min and he started to ask me about my living situation. (I live with a group of guys and im the only girl) He asked me if i was with any of them and other questions along that line. We ended up making out then left the party to meet up with some of his friends.


After hanging at his friends place he asked if i wanted to crash at his place since it was getting very late and i said sure. We went to his place and made out more but nothing else. We had planned on heading to work together but i decided to leave early to get back to my place to shower and get a change of clothes.


I got to work and everything was cool. There's wasn't any akwardness between use. Just the mutal hatred that we both had to be at work. I ended up getting off earlier then him and had already told him i was going to go home and get some rest. He gave me a long hug and a kiss on the cheek and i said that I'd see him next week.


The situation more stinks because at work we have to keep things discreet and right now since i only work weekends i won't be able see him til next week.



Im not sure if this might turn into something else and wanted to hear some opinions.

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It's best to be very careful in this situation. For one thing, you guys work together. What happens if something does happen and it ends?


Maybe I'm cynical, or just been around the block a few times, but most guys say, "I don't believe in one night stands," the same way women say, "I don't usually sleep with a guy on the first date." And then they both do it anyway. It's to impress someone. It's just something nice to say that you hope the other person will like.


I would be really careful. Go forward if you want, but keep an open mind and don't have too many expectations.

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Aaaaah, the newness. I'm sure he means it. But it is all new. So now you just go from here.


I'm sure you'll have more opportunities to hang out and date and you'll both discover whether you want something more out of it?


Good luck!

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just to clarify the one night stand thing it was more stated because earlier at work (we work at a restaurant) two girls came in that knew had me him when he was bartending and they did the who flirt with him thing and told him to call them and what not. So i asked him why he didn't call them if he wanted to find something to do that night and he just said because he felt like they were to young and he was looking for something more meaningful and not just one night stands anymore.


thanks for the word of caution. ive been lucky enough to live with a group of guys who i watch interact with girls and have learned that not everything they say means anything.

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Sounds like the beginning of something very fun.

No reason why it shouldn't go somewhere, as far as I can tell.


So what? You work together? That's life. We meet people in all sorts of places, and I don't think avoiding anything makes sense anyhow, cuz if it works out - yay! And if it doesn't, well, it is more about how you deal with it than anything else....


...any thoughts on this situation: ?




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