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Ex from 5 years ago

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I recently heard from my ex from 5 years ago about a month ago. We went out and hooked up a couple times in the last month. We got into a disagreement and she has completely cut contact off with me. I feel like an idiot that I fell into this trap, I of course love her but I cannot believe she can just cut off contact. The disagreement didn't involve yelling or verbal abuse, she said she needed to cool off and would call me back (saturday) and I haven't heard since. I feel nauseated, and that I am going to puke from this incident. Every time my phone goes off I think its her, I wish i wasn't such a mess.

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She didn't want you back or anything, she needed comfort. You provided that so she stayed for a while, but as soon as you revealed of bigger intetions than just bed activities she decided to run once more.


Don't fall for it next time. If an ex takes more than a month to reply there's rarely going to come any good of it.

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After 5 years she still has this much power over you? I don't think it's possible to ever lose that lingering feeling of affection for those whom we truly loved.


i unfortunately agree somewhat with No Limit on this...your ex pokes their head out after 5 years and disappears again? This is suspicious as hell and screams of immature comfort-seeking.

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