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Anyone been Catfished?

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So true...I'd rather meet though to see if there's chemistry before I get more invested. And really the only thing people can fake online that they can't fake in real life is what they look like. I have heard plenty of hellish stories about dates who were no where near the internet when they met. Some even went to grade school with some of the people they went out with. Nothing is guaranteed, you always have to do your research and trust your gut (if your gut is trustworthy :D).

Yeah if your online "partner" at any point comes up with an excuse not to take the next step when its clearly time for photos, phonecalls and video calls then 99% of the time it means they aren't being completely honest with you. 1% of the time they might just be really shy and a little more trust needs to be established before moving forwards.

People can fake anything online....not just looks. They can pretend to be successful, motivated, social, the life and soul of the party etc.

You really gotta look a person in the eye before you believe they are who they say they are...IMO.

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Yeah if your online "partner" at any point comes up with an excuse not to take the next step when its clearly time for photos, phonecalls and video calls then 99% of the time it means they aren't being completely honest with you. 1% of the time they might just be really shy and a little more trust needs to be established before moving forwards.

People can fake anything online....not just looks. They can pretend to be successful, motivated, social, the life and soul of the party etc.

You really gotta look a person in the eye before you believe they are who they say they are...IMO.


Totally right...and I just mean that both people who are online and offline can fake things about their lives. Offline people can't fake their looks obviously but they can fake anything else just like online people can.

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People have tried. A girl once emailed me on a dating site with a reasonably attractive picture of "herself." After we emailed for awhile, I gave her my number and we began texting. After that, she confessed that she was actually trying to setup a date for her "sister." She emailed me a pic of her, and the sister wasn't at all attractive.



She said the number she was texting me was from her sister's phone, that she was gonna get a new phone at Walmart tomorrow. After talking to the sister, I noticed several inconsistencies while trying to explain the sudden swap.



When I stopped responding, suddenly the attractive sister got her phone activated at Walmart and she wanted to email me again. It's 2am, there's no 24 hour Walmart in that town.



It's pathetic what people will do to try to bait a date.

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mrs rubble

I met a man online and quickly met him in person(Going back about 6-7yrs) He had lots of stories, some pretty far-fetched. One story he told me about his car breaking down and borrowing his brother's car seemed a bit odd to me, so I had the rego traced and it belonged to a woman in a different city. I questioned him about it, he then said it was his brothers daughter's car. I also mentioned that my uncle was a detective and a good family friend was the District Court judge in the city where he was from. He vanished after that. I got a phone call from the police about 4 months later, he'd been caught ripping off multiple woman and had stolen a load of cash, talked some poor woman out of $60,000. Stole laptops, cellphones, pretty much anything he could.

He got thrown in jail for a bit, he's probably out doing it again now!

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