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Why don't women date younger men?

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Sure we've seen men dating younger women, who are not 2 not 3 not 5 but even 10 years younger, yet society thinks it's normal? But the other way around, society be like "Seriously?"


I may have never dated before but I'm seeing these trends.


Why why aren't men supposed to be younger than their girlfriend/wife? Why do women have to be the ones younger? I've rarely seen any couples that have the man being younger. Why is that true?


As an 18 year old using dating sites, most all(most) women are older than me. So you all may think that dating sites aren't for me right? Well apparently, it's not the case for me. I in fact love women older than me.


Yes most of the women I have met online that chatted with me before are in fact older than me. Only 1 girl is the same age as me.

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Sure we've seen men dating younger women, who are not 2 not 3 not 5 but even 10 years younger, yet society thinks it's normal? But the other way around, society be like "Seriously?"


I may have never dated before but I'm seeing these trends.


Why why aren't men supposed to be younger than their girlfriend/wife? Why do women have to be the ones younger? I've rarely seen any couples that have the man being younger. Why is that true?


As an 18 year old using dating sites, most all(most) women are older than me. So you all may think that dating sites aren't for me right? Well apparently, it's not the case for me. I in fact love women older than me.


Yes most of the women I have met online that chatted with me before are in fact older than me. Only 1 girl is the same age as me.



My reasoning - immaturity. Most and by most I certainly don't mean all. younger blokes are immature, horny little sex pests.


I'm 26 and I won't date men my own age for that reason too.


Then again saying that my 40 yr old ex was fairly emotionally immature so what do I know haha

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I think the prevailing thought is that older women feel that younger men are just looking for sex and not a relationship. That being said, I believe this mentality is changing and age just being a number will be embraced by both genders. I do believe that older women are indeed beginning to see the benefits of being with a younger man...

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I'm not a sex type person and I'm more emotional. Yeah is that why women don't reply my messages because they think it will lead to sex? Also, if I do get an older woman, I would live rest of my life with her lol.

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The woman doesn't have to be the younger one. I'm not. So there, you can say you DO know one married couple where the wife is older. ;)

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I am 48 yo and dating a man 12 years younger. At his age (36) I get to have a mature man even if he's considerably younger than I.


Women 10 years older than you do not view men your age mature-serious-grounded-stable enough to start a relationship with....and they're right. What would you have to offer a woman 10 years older ? a lady around 30 who's looking to settle and start a family, buy a house maybe.

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Sure we've seen men dating younger women, who are not 2 not 3 not 5 but even 10 years younger, yet society thinks it's normal? But the other way around, society be like "Seriously?"


I may have never dated before but I'm seeing these trends.


Why why aren't men supposed to be younger than their girlfriend/wife? Why do women have to be the ones younger? I've rarely seen any couples that have the man being younger. Why is that true?


As an 18 year old using dating sites, most all(most) women are older than me. So you all may think that dating sites aren't for me right? Well apparently, it's not the case for me. I in fact love women older than me.


Yes most of the women I have met online that chatted with me before are in fact older than me. Only 1 girl is the same age as me.


I date younger guys all the time. In your case I don't think it being younger I think it's just that you're technically still a teenager that may be working against you. But hey, enjoy it while you can but in the meantime maybe you can try different avenues so women won't judge you first by your age.

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Sure we've seen men dating younger women, who are not 2 not 3 not 5 but even 10 years younger, yet society thinks it's normal? But the other way around, society be like "Seriously?"


I may have never dated before but I'm seeing these trends.


Why why aren't men supposed to be younger than their girlfriend/wife? Why do women have to be the ones younger? I've rarely seen any couples that have the man being younger. Why is that true?


As an 18 year old using dating sites, most all(most) women are older than me. So you all may think that dating sites aren't for me right? Well apparently, it's not the case for me. I in fact love women older than me.


Yes most of the women I have met online that chatted with me before are in fact older than me. Only 1 girl is the same age as me.


The woman doesn't have to be the younger one. I'm not. So there, you can say you DO know one married couple where the wife is older. ;)


Plenty of famous folks too if that counts...there was an article written about it but the only one I remember is Hugh Jackman :), NYC's new mayor De Blasio is younger than his wife too. There's 2 more for ya.

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I am 48 yo and dating a man 12 years younger. At his age (36) I get to have a mature man even if he's considerably younger than I.


Women 10 years older than you do not view men your age mature-serious-grounded-stable enough to start a relationship with....and they're right. What would you have to offer a woman 10 years older ? a lady around 30 who's looking to settle and start a family, buy a house maybe.


Ok so money is usually another point. But what about a man who's dating a younger woman. Wouldn't he want her to be grounded-stable as well?

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My H is 3 years younger than me, not that much but we were 19/21 when we got together. Eight years later we're very happily married :)

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I don't date younger (when I did date) because many younger men are immature, or don't want anything serious anyway.


When I did date a younger man they became very "dependent" on me. It wasn't attractive in the least.

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Ok so money is usually another point. But what about a man who's dating a younger woman. Wouldn't he want her to be grounded-stable as well?
If he is looking for something serious yes he would like someone stable. I married at 20. I was mature for my age, college was done, I was working, etc. Not all 20 yo women were like me.


My daughter's best friend is 27. He has been dating a lady of 42 yo for the past 2 years. What kind of 27 yo do you think a woman of 42 would like to date? Well, he is a quiet guy, an English teacher, good character, stable, independent.


So my question is what do you have to offer a woman 10 years older than you? Why would an older women be interested in you?

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It only makes sense that women would date older, not younger.


I'm 29 and I think guys my age are idiots, no way in hell I'd date someone younger. I keep my date range between 31-34. Those guys are idiots too but at least they don't come with:


-Partying like frat boys

-Living at home with momma

-Clueless about their career


I mean I'm not going to generalize that ALL younger guys are like this, but the majority are. I'm going to be 30 and I want to settle down into something real.


A 25 year old guy can't provide things that I want. A 25 year old guy isn't trying to be married with kids right now. Where as an older man is more likely to be settled and looking for the stability of a family life.


Guys also mature slower than women. So where as a guy may be 25, mentally he's even younger. Where I'm at in life, and what I need, can't be found in the 20 something crowd.


A younger woman makes sense for an older man. Men tend to go younger just due to looks alone, and women mature faster, and they are the best choice for a man who wasn't ready to settle quite yet, but now wants a family. An older woman who is past her prime for having babies is no good in this situation, so they must go younger.

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Michelle ma Belle

I've dated men of all ages; some much younger than me and some considerably older than me. What I've learned is that although I might have had preferences and desires to date and ultimately be with men my own age, age is really just a number (provided they are of legal age).


I've already commented on this before; being "old" doesn't guarantee a man will be mature, grounded, responsible, communicative etc. just as being "young" doesn't guarantee the opposite of those things. It depends on the each man individually.


My mother is 6 years older than my father. I am 13 years older than my partner and have never been happier nor more fulfilled like I am with him.


I certainly didn't seek out a relationship specifically with a younger man on purpose, it just happened slowly and unexpectedly and could have happened with ANY man.


It takes a lot to capture and especially hold my attention and I don't have a lot of patience or tolerance for man-children so that should say something about my man. It has to do with his overall character, not how many years he's been on earth.


:) :) :) :)

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Two of my exes are younger than me. One is older, by 2 years. No biggie.


My current boyfriend is only a smidge older, 7 months.



2 years older is as far as I've gone. Otherwise they've been younger or just about the same age.

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Sure we've seen men dating younger women, who are not 2 not 3 not 5 but even 10 years younger, yet society thinks it's normal? But the other way around, society be like "Seriously?"


I may have never dated before but I'm seeing these trends.


Why why aren't men supposed to be younger than their girlfriend/wife? Why do women have to be the ones younger? I've rarely seen any couples that have the man being younger. Why is that true?


As an 18 year old using dating sites, most all(most) women are older than me. So you all may think that dating sites aren't for me right? Well apparently, it's not the case for me. I in fact love women older than me.


Yes most of the women I have met online that chatted with me before are in fact older than me. Only 1 girl is the same age as me.


The woman doesn't have to be the younger one. I'm not. So there, you can say you DO know one married couple where the wife is older. ;)


Ok so money is usually another point. But what about a man who's dating a younger woman. Wouldn't he want her to be grounded-stable as well?


Not really, most of the time. Stable is okay but few men care about a woman making more than he does.

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I think the prevailing thought is that older women feel that younger men are just looking for sex and not a relationship. That being said, I believe this mentality is changing and age just being a number will be embraced by both genders. I do believe that older women are indeed beginning to see the benefits of being with a younger man...


"Older" women want a man who can get it up without Viagra and look hot so she can show him off. Sounds like being used to me

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I'm not a sex type person and I'm more emotional. Yeah is that why women don't reply my messages because they think it will lead to sex? Also, if I do get an older woman, I would live rest of my life with her lol.


It's quite possible.


There are many "traps" to trip a woman up for sex these days. Look at all the threads asking why they've not heard from a guy after the deed.


I think women are a lot more cautious these days when it comes to OLD. The person can state they have one intention and actually have the complete opposite intention.

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Insecurity. I liken it to a man who is afraid to date higher-earning women. Youth in women is capital, c'est la vie.

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Personally, I tend to go for older women as they've outgrown the ridiculous "bad boys" phase.

Yet, conversely they think that ALL guys in their 20s are the same.

Despite me being profoundly different, way more mature and responsible at the age of 22 than the majority of my peers.

(Older women in this case being of ages 23-30.)

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As an 18 year old ...


You don't have a job, don't have a car, you have a small body, you don't have the sexual experience of an older man, it is demeaning for a woman's status to associate with you, even though maybe you're cute or somethin'.

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"Older" women want a man who can get it up without Viagra and look hot so she can show him off. Sounds like being used to me


It's what we do... use each other.

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I think women are a lot more cautious these days when it comes to OLD. The person can state they have one intention and actually have the complete opposite intention.


Men have the intention to have sex with you. Stupid men have the intention to try to love you, because they need affection. Normal men accept love, if it comes in time, after continuously having sex and they also see faithfulness.

I dunno why there is a need to state any intention.

Of course a man has to say something to a woman which is not "sleep with me" or "let's ****" because that makes a woman feel cheap, and she will reject the offer. So he has to say something else. But as a woman you should already know that a man wants primarily to have sex with you.

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I've got a dear friend who has a partner 10 years younger than her. They have been together for 3 or 4 years now, still very much in love, and are expecting their 2nd child.


The nasty comments they got when they started going out were unbelievable. His mother hated my friend without even giving her a chance, his family thought he was throwing himself away on an "older" woman. And it was as if the age difference gave complete strangers the right to comment on and judge the relationship.


I can see why women would think twice about dating a guy so much younger when there is still so much stigma about it.

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