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I dont know what to make of this

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quick backround info. I am a sober guy I met my then girlfriend and she introduced me to her friend that had some drinking problems i tried to help at the time with what worked for me.


Up to date now its been a year since me and my ex have talked and out of the blue her best friends calls me and asked how it was going and she was sober again and asked if I would like to hang out. It has nothing to do with my ex's friend liking me for sure, but I think it has maybe some to do with my ex asking her to see how i am doing. I have not talked to this girl in even a longer time and that she reached out to me seems random and out of the blue I am not the only sober person on the planet. I could be thinkng way to much about this and I am pretty much over my ex but I just thought it was strange.

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