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Need to clear the air with my fwb

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Okay. I have been friends with this guy for a few months, about a month ago we met up and the sexual tension was too much, and we ended up kissing and doing foreplay. We met up again the next day, and had sex, and have been meeting up for sex at least once a week since. I am an 18 year old female and he is 23.


Our friendship (not in sexual terms here) is good, we have long, deep chats about our lives, our pasts, our futures all of that good stuff, and when we talk about that stuff there's never any sexual innuendo or anything like that, sex is sex when it is sex if that makes sense. We talk most days usually. He has occasionally said things like 'you're so sweet to me, it won't last' and 'people are easily bored of me', stuff like that. His self esteem isn't the highest, I try to help him see how great he is, as I think he is an awesome person, and I enjoy being friends with him on a platonic level.


Going into this friends-with-benefits relationship with him, we discussed what is is and we both know it is just sex, no 'feelings' and no desire for feelings either. Each time we hook up, we always check with each other on how we feel about the arrangement and so far we both don't have feelings for each other.


Now, on Wednesday (its now Saturday) I went to his place, he said he isn't as happy in himself as he was since the arrangement began, and that he doesn't feel as comfortable with things as he used to. He says it feels odd for him to be having sex without having feelings. I said I see things as they are, attraction, chemistry, sexual desire etc, alongside friendship and that's it, and he said he didn't want to end things, but he was just finding the amount of sex we have been having a little 'intense'. He said he doesn't want to seem as though he is using me, though I have told him repeatedly, and truthfully, that I know it is just sex, with no prospect of a relationship, and that I am gaining the same as he is from it. Despite this, we had sexual contact on that day, not full sex but other things.


When we have sex, he always wants to 'cuddle' after, he is always kissing me, and always kissing me goodbye when he walks me home. When I saw him last, when we had this chat, during some of the sexual contact we were having, he stopped me from what I was doing, saying 'come here and let me kiss you', which struck me as odd, like why stop your fwb from doing a sex act just so you could kiss her? He is always very grippy (I cant think of a better word) when he holds me after sex, like he kind of wraps his legs around mine and strokes my face etc, I don't know, it seems odd for a fwb to do that, to me at least. Friends of mine think he is developing feelings for me, but then that's just their opinions, and I can't take their word for it.


Since that chat on Wednesday afternoon, we haven't spoken. He is a busy guy and has been on Facebook a lot less than usual these past few days, but I am a bit worried. As with most girls though, I don't want to appear clingy, or that I have feelings for him, because I don't, and if there's a lot going on in his life, with more important (to him) people than me, then I don't want to add to it, but I do want to check everything's okay, as I value him as a friend and want him to be happy. I just don't know if he's waiting to contact me when he's ready or if he's waiting for me. Should I just send him a little text to clear the air, or should I wait?

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