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Hey, I’m new in here and wanted to share this confession. I’ve been with my gf for nearly 2 years now, we fell in love almost straight away. I just got back from India where one of my female friends from university was getting married there and it was amazing and when I got back to London my gf confessed to me that she cheated on me whilst I was away and she was crying and said sorry. So now im not letting her come see my at my flat and talk to me on the phone. At first I thought I wanted to get her back by going out and pull some girl (Im not a bad looking guy by the way) but in the end I just ignored her. So now she is crying and says she loves me and is begging me to take her back. I need some female opinions on this, if a girl cheats does it mean she will not feel the urge to do it again? She said it was just a one night stand and she wasn’t dating him. I still have feelings for her but I don’t know if it will be in her head to do it again. I would be interested to hear from girls who have cheating on their bf’s before (I know some girls do if the relationships coming to an end so that’s different) or if anyone cheated on you let me know what I should do, I bought her a ring a few months back which she says she still wears. By the way ive never cheated or even kissed another girl whilst I was with her, even though this women at work wanted me I turned her down. Im 31 and she is 22 if that makes a difference. This is my first time so im new in here, thanks for reading.

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:mad:I have been in my living room with my wife mother and father all morning, There is a special investigator here from Family Social Services admin. The discussion was centered on the way I kept out of the state mental hospital, it was easy, I demanded my Miranda rights, My father said you did not have rights after the three doctor panel signed off on it.

The investigator said the doctors found that the information supplied to them was one sided after all the files were turned over, She said just because a person is to be comitted does not stop their rights.

But she wanted to know why things got so far, My mother spoke first said that there where several incidents since 2001 where people have been hurt, several very badly.

The investigator said I have reports on what happened and in each case your son was accosted first, however lets go back to his army and navy days, In Lawton Oklahoma you were in a fight with a biker club at a place just off post. I said yes this was long before I met my wife, she said the JAG says that you and your friends were invited by some girls to sit with them. It says here that a Outlaw walked up and told you that they were not for army scum like you, you turned to one of the girls and asked if she was with this guy she said no and you said buzz off. The next thing people saw was a ten foot table top fly across the room knocking six bikers out and four others were taken down by what was a very well trained team.

The next incedent was a place when you were in sub school you went to an establishment that the bouncers did not like navy, one kept boxing your ear, you told him to stop or else he did it again, you broke his arm in three places, another bounce went through a two inch oak door face first and the third went to get his shotgun when the Marine Shore patrol found you jumping up and down on the man. The next one in 2001 says you put four men in the trauma center after they tried to jump you, Then you caught your wife coming home after being out all night with another man. He triped you and put you on the floor on purpose and started laughing, your retaliation I do think might have been a little much is what she said. They put you in stress center for two weeks the you showed up at home 12 hrs earlier than expected, Your father had set up an evening out with your wife with a friend of his, Says here you forced your wife to have sex with you. Then when your fathers friend showed up you told him to take a hike. He tried forcing his way in and ended up hitting face first in the drive.

I said all the facts are there, She said you don't think you have to be a little more restrained if assaulted physically. You felt your wife owed you sex after 3 decades of denial, I said yes. My father spoke at that point and said he wont let sleeping dogs lie. He should just forget about sex, zip his pants and keep his dam hands of other people. he is a big man he can take a few hits. We should have never allowed him, to be proficient in combat arts.

The FSSA investigator asked why couldn't I back down after all they really cant hurt you. The only thing I could say was backing down was an invitation to any to use me as a door mate, that was not going to go any more, She said what about your wife, do you think she deserved you forcing her to have sex with you. All I did was hand her my wife's journals and some polaroid pictures. I said I paid for the cloths on her back, the food on her table, the roof over her head, then she says unless I show I can be the compromiser I would not have her, The way I see it everyone owes me thirty years of life.

My mother says this is all past now, why not just pick up the pieces and start over, She turned to the investigator a said we are sorry for airing all this dirty laundry, I think we wont try again. She turned to me and said you have to get yourself under control we wont try any more, She turned to my wife and said I think you got caught in a family feud and you got hurt by it. My father said I am calling my friend and tell him that the way is clear he can pick your wife up tonight for that evening you showed your rear.

I just looked at him and said he comes over I will break his neck, You are to shut up, you don't set dates up for my wife, and you ever try again you will have to go to get a rectal crianial inversion operation to get your head out of your ass.

I looked at the investigator and asked if she wanted to stay for something to eat, She said she is going home to her police officer husband and tell him about you, I think you will have an admirer. She told the rest of the family they should worry because he does have a brain. He can easily use it.

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Hey, I’m new in here and wanted to share this confession. I’ve been with my gf for nearly 2 years now, we fell in love almost straight away. I just got back from India where one of my female friends from university was getting married there and it was amazing and when I got back to London my gf confessed to me that she cheated on me whilst I was away and she was crying and said sorry. So now im not letting her come see my at my flat and talk to me on the phone. At first I thought I wanted to get her back by going out and pull some girl (Im not a bad looking guy by the way) but in the end I just ignored her. So now she is crying and says she loves me and is begging me to take her back. I need some female opinions on this, if a girl cheats does it mean she will not feel the urge to do it again? She said it was just a one night stand and she wasn’t dating him. I still have feelings for her but I don’t know if it will be in her head to do it again. I would be interested to hear from girls who have cheating on their bf’s before (I know some girls do if the relationships coming to an end so that’s different) or if anyone cheated on you let me know what I should do, I bought her a ring a few months back which she says she still wears. By the way ive never cheated or even kissed another girl whilst I was with her, even though this women at work wanted me I turned her down. Im 31 and she is 22 if that makes a difference. This is my first time so im new in here, thanks for reading.


Sorry but I do not think you should take her back she's not at the level of commitment you are, if she cannot stay true to you for one measly wedding trip you can never be absent and trust her, no cheating does not mean you'll never do it again quite the opposite if anything it means she doesn't respect your relationship at all and if you take her back will cheat again with the confidence that she will just shred tears and be back in your arms.


You want her to never cheat again? Dump her dont reward her actions do not take her back you deserve better and maybe she will be too afraid to cheat in the future because she will now be aware of the consequences.

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The good thing - She admitted it herself, and it happened once. She is very young so she can learn from her mistake and there's a chance for her be faithful from now on.


The bad thing - She cheated!! there are girls who don't cheat at all.


so your decision i think should be based on your will and ability to overcome her cheating. Can you live with the mind movies? Can you accept it and put it all behind you and still be happy?

Edited by lolablue17
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This is the start of your relationship. Foretelling what your future will be like.

No, keep ignoring her, it's for your best.

A confession doesn't cease the fact that she's betrayed you in the most disgusting way possible.


And the ring? It lost it's true value and meaning when she opened her legs for another guy.

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Did she tell you why she had cheated on you? That will be the deciding factor in if you would want to reconcile or not.

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Your 31, she's 22. I have a feeling that your ready for commitment and she's not there yet.


I'm not saying that she gets a free pass for cheating. She's old enough to know better but if I were you, I wouldn't want to take the chance and go through it again down the road.


Look at it from this way. If she can't be faithful if you go away for a week or so, then it should tell you that you might be getting a sneak peek at the future.


So ask yourself, is it worth it?

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