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Colleague with a boyfriend likes me?

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Dear All


A colleague has joined my workplace as a temp. and will be leaving soon. She has a boyfriend and has only mentioned him twice in my presence.


When she first joined she was really quiet but really opened up and flirted with me. Generally, I noticed her interest when she began touching my arm when I was sitting next to her and does it a few times since; she calls me cute and says I have a nice aura; she says she misses me sometimes and will miss me when she leaves; and she keeps saying im really funny even when im not and just being me (though she is a giggly person in general and laughs at other peoples jokes).


In particular, I have not noticed her making much eye contact from across the room but when we do look at each other, her facial expression suggests shes happy to see me - her face lights up, her eyes open up, she smiles in a coy manner. She also said to me "you wana hear something interesting?" and then I responded, she replied "oh, leave it. don't worry about it". For the past few weeks, she has been going on and on about taking a picture of me so she can keep it as a memory.


However, her friend told me that she does not like me and is loyal to her bf. But this friend has teased us that my colleague likes me in front of us both.


I wont get involved with her while she is with her bf so I wont get any closer to her but I am so confused! I don't feel like talking to her about my feelings coz I think I could be adding fuel to the awkward fire. She is generally a nice girl and I receive much affection from women in general so I know the difference between affection and interest but it seems she does like me. I just want to know what her game is.


Can anyone help? I would really appreciate your responses


Thank you...

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Dear All

her friend told me that she does not like me and is loyal to her bf.


Ignore her friend brah. I know they probably talk about everything but that doesn't mean that she'll divulge the truth to you. But remember that if you do get this girl, she's the type that you don't want to be with for anything longer than fun.


In university there was this girl I had a crush on, and one day a friend of her's told me that she has been in a 5 year relationship an unlikely to leave — long story short I dated her for a few months the next year.


If your looking for a girl to pass the time then add her on Facebook and only attempt after she's left.

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